Melanie Overbay

Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

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About Melanie

Melanie's journey into neurodiversity support is deeply personal. Her commitment is not just professional, it's born out of lived experience. First watching her own father and brother struggle with Dyslexia then, when her own son was diagnosed with the same neurodiverse condition at the age of 9. It was this profound and personal encounter that set Melanie on a mission, fueling her determination to make a difference not just for her son but for every neurodiverse individual.
In 2013, Melanie became a certified Davis® facilitator, offering personalized support for individuals with Dyslexia and ADHD. This transformative step wasn't just a career choice, it was a response to a calling.
Over the past ten years, Melanie has not only been a pillar of support for her own family but has extended her expertise to countless individuals through Rio Grande Learning Solutions. Her journey began with one-on-one programs, navigating the intricate nuances of neurodiversity.
Melanie's journey didn't stop there. In 2022, she further enriched her expertise, becoming a Davis® Autism Approach and Davis Concepts For Life® Facilitator. Her commitment to staying at the forefront of advancements in neurodiversity support reflects not just professional dedication, but a genuine passion for making a positive impact.
Melanie Overbay is not just a business leader; she is a beacon of understanding and inclusivity. Her journey, shaped by personal experiences and a commitment to change, has transformed Rio Grande Learning Solutions into a hub of support and compassion.
Living her entire life in New Mexico, Melanie enjoys traveling, hiking and spending time with family.


Melanie's Success Stories

WOW! We had an absolute incredible experience with Melanie at Rio Grande Learning Solutions. Our son jumped 2 grade levels in reading in a week and passed his private school entrance exam with ease just a few days after completing the Davis Reading Course. But most importantly, his confidence is through the roof in all things! We’ve seen better behavior at home, a newfound joy in reading, and even improved baseball skills! We are in awe of the growth we’ve seen in him and how much he WANTS to work harder. We are so pleased with the investment we made in our son’s future. I would recommend Rio Grande Learning solutions to anyone with a struggling child whether this is in academics or home life. It was the best decision we ever made! ~A.Grafolo

When my kiddo said “I can’t read” I felt devastated. After Rio Grande Learning Solutions – kiddo’s teacher reported that my kiddo was “reading aloud in front of class” - I was overwhelmed with tears of joy & pride. We did both the Concepts and Dyslexia Correction programs. Melanie’s implementation of the Davis Methods work. Like me, you are here looking for a solution. Find the resources to make this happen. You will be happy you did, and abundantly proud of your kiddo’s success. I am. ~S. Snow

This was the solution my son needed! After multiple tries with other dyslexia and tutoring services we finally saw results. My son can read more confidently, has increased his reading comprehension and has less fatigue at the end of the day. This is not a typical solution, which is what we were looking for, Rio Grande does an excellent job of making sure students are the right fit and clearly lays out what is expected and what 'homework' will be required. Seeing my son read and write with more confidence, getting the grades he deserves because he can better apply his energy in school is well worth it! ~A. Learn

The week spent with Melanie Overbay at Rio Grande Learning Solutions was the absolute BEST investment we’ve made for our daughter. After much research we knew The Davis Method for Dyslexia was the best choice for our family and it exceeded our expectations. Our daughter was 8 1/2 and did the program in March 2022. I just got her benchmark scores for the year and she had a 94% growth in reading. Not only that but she is confident and is enjoying reading for pleasure!!! We are forever grateful for the opportunity and experience we had, I would absolutely recommend this program.
~K. Shirk

My son's time with Melanie at Rio Grande Learning Solutions was incredibly valuable for his journey as a unique learner/person with dyslexia. He came at age 13 and I was unsure how helpful it would be for a kid who had been struggling with reading for so long, but the gentle yet focused mindful presence with which Melanie approached this process for him right away began to relax and ease some of the trauma he held around experiences with teachers in school, which opened him up to advance with his reading. I deeply appreciate how this approach honors "the gift of dyslexia" while helping kids also meet expectations around reading. My son remembers his week with Melanie fondly and I can say that I highly recommend this work and Melanie and Rio Grande Learning solutions. Thank you Melanie!

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