Davis® Foundations for Reading

Solution category:
Foundations for Learning

Solution for:
Neurodivergent thinkers

5 - 7 years

We understand…

Young learners

Do learning difficulties run in your family?

Is your child struggling to grasp letters or having difficulty with sight words?

Are you noticing your child developing avoidance tactics when you try to practice reading with them?

Continuing down this path can lead to future frustration and shaky foundations for learning. At Davis, we understand the root cause of learning difficulties and know how to prevent them. Our program is meticulously crafted to give each child the lifelong learning skills and foundations for literacy using methods they will enjoy and that work for their learning style. Our ultimate goal is to unlock the full potential of young learners, fostering their confidence and self-belief along the way.

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Don’t wait for the learning difficulties to develop!! Contact us now and request a Free 30-minute discovery call.

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How Davis Foundations for Reading works

The Davis Foundations for Reading Program is designed to equip young children (aged 5-7) with the essential skills to master letters and sight words that underpin reading fluency and comprehension. While this program can help any learning style, it is especially valuable for young children at risk of developing learning difficulties due to neurodivergence running in the family.

Our gentle, hands-on approach engages all the senses to create a highly enjoyable learning experience that lays the groundwork for future academic success. The program also places a strong emphasis on self-regulation. We understand the importance of helping children increase their focus, maintain an appropriate energy level, and reduce stress and anxiety. By fostering self-regulation skills, we empower children to optimize their learning potential.

We also understand the vital role that parents and family members play in a child’s learning journey. That’s why we prioritize involving you in the process. We provide hands-on training and guidance to ensure that everyone is equipped to support your child’s growth and development.

Imagine your child learning their letters and punctuation with clay!

Ditch the flash cards and help your child master those sight words by modeling their meaning in a fun and memorable way!

Benefits of the program

At Davis, we are proud to offer a program that is backed by research evidence. Studies have shown that children who are exposed to the Davis methods at the pre-reading or primary level (ages 5-7) experience a wide range of benefits.

Significantly reduced likelihood of developing learning difficulties

By enabling them to learn using methods that work for their creative/natural way of thinking, information is absorbed correctly from the start, and the development of learning difficulties can be avoided.

Significantly increased likelihood of referrals to Gifted & Talented Programs

Research and experience show that without the challenges, their natural intellect can shine! Our approach nurtures their unique talents and abilities, allowing them to excel and reach their full potential.

Word recognition skills well above grade level

This strong foundation in reading sets them up for success in all areas of their academic journey.

Self-regulation skills and learning strategies

They gain a head start with self-regulation (including focus, emotional and energetic regulation), as well as the skills and strategies needed to excel in their studies. By learning these skills young, they automate them much more easily and will benefit from them for life.

Confidence flourishes

It’s not just about academic achievement. Our program also instills belief in their own abilities to learn, overcome challenges and thrive.

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What you and your child can expect

We are dedicated to helping children succeed. Join us and unlock your child’s full potential, giving them the tools and confidence to thrive academically and beyond.

Your child will enjoy

  • Mastery of the alphabet
  • Mastery of punctuation marks
  • Mastery of sight words
  • Increased focus
  • Better emotional self-regulation
  • Better energy self-regulation
  • Improved balance and coordination
  • Improved fine motor skills
  • Improved self-confidence

You will gain

  • A better understanding of your child’s learning style
  • Effective tools and techniques to better help your child
  • All the materials and training needed to continue using Davis methods at home
  • Expert guidance to support you, and help you better support your child’s journey through formal education
  • Confidence in your ability to support your child’s learning

“My 7 year old was struggling with reading and having difficulty keeping up at school. The program transformed her reading journey and helped her not only be able to read but to actually enjoy it. Our facilitator was gentle and patient and made the whole experience positive.”

Mother of Davis® Foundations for Reading client

Program format and timeframe

Over the course of approximately 30 hours, your facilitator will introduce you and your child to strength-based tools and practical, engaging techniques using clay and koosh balls. To ensure focused learning, sessions last no more than three hours.

Additionally, at least half of the program time involves the parent or support person actively participating in helping the child with their new skills and techniques. Together, we create a collaborative environment that maximizes learning potential.

What happens next…

Join us as we guide you through each stage of your journey with Davis. We encourage you to ask as many questions as you’d like along the way, ensuring you feel empowered and confident that Davis is the right fit for you.


Free Discovery Call

To find out more about Davis, our programs and workshops, we invite you to book a complimentary Discovery Call and spend up to 30 minutes confidentially sharing details of your situation with us. This will help you start to get an idea of which Davis solutions could be of value.


Initial Assessment

If what you hear resonates, schedule an Initial Assessment meeting (in person or online).



At or following the Initial Assessment, your facilitator will:

  • Determine whether Davis is suitable for you and your situation
  • Recommend which program is best for your needs
  • Indicate appropriate next steps


Book a program

If you and your facilitator feel that Davis is a good fit, at this point, you can book a program.


Program delivery

Your Davis program is delivered one-to-one by an expert facilitator. Parent involvement is encouraged. This program can be done in person or online.

Davis Foundations for Reading programs typically take around 30 hours spread across two weeks, depending on the age of the child.


Program follow up

  • Program follow up work as needed

All program packages provide you with:

  • Training of a support person
  • Telephone and email support post-program
  • Access to follow up review sessions (in person or online)

Find help

Find a Davis Facilitator near you or contact us to discuss your options.

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