Maureen O'Sullivan

Newmarket, Ontario, Canada

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About Maureen


After graduating from the University of Toronto’s BSc program, and 40 + years of experience as an entrepreneur, Maureen has always had a curiosity about the world around her. Her approach to learning is focused on the belief that each person, whether adult or child, can learn new methods that will allow learning to become an enjoyable process.

Maureen is mother to 4 adult children. Each with various LD challenges; but each has successfully attained at least one university degree. Parenting is not always easy. At Learning Ability, we know what it means to be there for your child when it looks like the deck is stacked against them.

Maureen made a career change over 17 years ago when her youngest son who was bright and social yet unable to read past an SK level, was in grade 3. His teacher suggested he be tested. She said, “If you wait another year to get him tested his reading won’t be the only thing he is dealing with - his confidence will be gone”. The psychologist determined through a psych educational evaluation the root of his challenge.
He was diagnosed with dyslexia (also described as a language based learning, visual and/or auditory processing disorder and/or phonemic awareness deficit)

It led to a wave of confusion. His parents felt he would be deprived of all the opportunities they had dreamed for him. For a full year their eight year old spent his Saturdays going to learning programs that ranged from phonetic approaches to computer training. Then one Saturday on the car ride home, after seeing how much work all of them were putting in, without success he said “Mom, let’s just give up. I’ll get a job that doesn’t need reading. I’ll be fine”. The tears in his eyes brought tears to Maureen’s. She said, “No, we’re going to find something that works”. Finally they found the Davis Method.
In time he went from struggling, to being top of his class. It was then that Maureen decided to change her career and bring decades of experience as an entrepreneur into a business that has now brought her over 17 years of joy and satisfaction helping children and adults overcome their learning challenges.

The outcomes are palpable. It’s seeing your child smile as they read a book. Or proudly bringing home their report card. It likely will not seem real to you now. But Learning Ability has seen the change in people so many times; when they are given the tools to understand the way that their unique minds work. They’ve just never been shown how until now.
We know it is possible for a person who has challenges to become successful and realize their full potential!
Her son is now thriving in his career and continues to move forward in management roles.
This program changed Maureen’s family and she dedicates her days to changing yours.

Maureen is a parent to 4 children with learning differences; two of which are also on the spectrum. She sees first hand the challenges that those with autism face on a daily basis.

We are founded on the belief that neurodiverse individuals have unique talents and abilities to share with the world. Those on the spectrum don’t need to be ‘fixed’. Rather, they need to better understand the social 'game rules of life' so that they can communicate and interact more fully with others in their family and community. Also, allowing others in society an insight into the neurodiverse person’s unique perspective. Their perspective has so much to add to our society. There is great value in neurodiversity. It exists everywhere in nature, why not within the human population?
The contribution of a group will always exceed that of an individual.

So, if you are having learning challenges with reading, writing, or math. Or social, emotional, or relationship challenges, we at Learning/Autism Ability welcome you!
We emphasis what you bring to the world - not what you struggle with. We work from your strengths.
We are here to support you in areas you want to change that will make daily living easier for you.
We’re here to help!

Licensed to provide:

Licensed since: October 24, 2007


  • Davis Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, ADHD, Autism Facilitator
  • PDA summit attendance
  • Stanford Neurodiversity Summit Attendance
  • Autism Parenting Summit Attendance
  • Canadian Autism Leadership Summit attendance

Travel: I am willing to travel to clients

Online services: I coach online or in person

Delivery Languages: EnglishEnglish


Maureen's Success Stories

Hi Maureen! Hope you are doing well. We talk often about the positive impact you've had on our lives. S's term 1 report card was wonderful! She just finished a major unit test and got 90%. If she continues to work hard she will likely finish the year with an average of over 80%. It's been a learning experience for her dad and I too and we've gotten a lot more comfortable with helping her learn HER way. Talk soon. Suzanne

“The thought of completing high school before the program was almost inconceivable but after a month or two at Learning Ability, we started talking about what college she will be attending.”
Richard and Deb P., Newmarket

“We witnessed a miracle today. It was something we never thought possible, something most parents take for granted. We watched our daughter in the playground reading a book, not because she had to, but because she wanted to. She has had a reading tutor for about 5 years. We could not figure out why there was little or no improvement given the fact that she was so bright. With the help and guidance from Learning Ability and especially Maureen, our little girl now has the skills and confidence to read. As an added bonus her writing skills have also improved. But most of all our daughter now has HOPE!”
- Norma & Steve W.

“I want to commend Maureen for her work and dedication that she showed me as a student at Learning Ability over the past summer season. As a fifty-year-old mother, who was about to enter University for the first time, there was anxiety, which had built up over the years. I was quite certain that I had some form of learning disability, and definitely had trouble concentrating, compounded by years in a school system which did not recognize, or address, issues of learning disabilities. Through Learning Ability, I gained the confidence and the ‘ability’ that I needed to go on to succeed in my classes at York University, and earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. The course itself is intensive and enjoyable, and what makes Learning Ability a success is Maureen herself – with her enthusiasm, skills and genuine love of people and learning.”
- Kathy J., Newmarket

” James is taking control of his behavior and working on “dialing down” in order to focus and behave correctly in different environments. This puts the control with him, versus medication and the associated negative effects – the control is now with James and this is an empowering technique. The core messages from this program are very positive. We have also seen some major leaps with reading and his ability to read different media – from signs to books. The Learning Ability program provides the methods and techniques that will be utilized by James throughout his life to support him in developing and learning.”
- J&L Owens, Queensville

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