Kim Ainis

Chicago, Illinois, United States

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About Kim

As a licensed Davis facilitator, Kim has helped hundreds of people of all ages get to the root of their difficulties and recognize and nurture their gifts. With over 20 years of experience working with children and adults as a Davis facilitator, Kim thrives on being a part of transforming the lives of people struggling with dyslexia, reading, writing, math, ADHD, executive functioning, and other issues. The Davis Programs’ innovative approaches enable neurodiverse individuals to harness their unique ways of thinking to overcome their challenges. And have fun too!

In 1999, Kim read The Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis and was instantly intrigued. It was so different from the usual approaches to dyslexia. The book accurately described some clients that puzzled her. It explained the boy who was a brilliant chess and science whiz yet tripped over small words — “the” was his greatest enemy. These kids and adults needed different keys to unlock the treasure chest of learning. It quickly became clear to Kim that Davis programs provide those keys.

Her specialty is working with adults, teens, and children 8+ years old. She offers programs that address:

• Dyslexia / Reading / Writing/ Dysgraphia
• ADHD / Focus / Attention
• Cognitive Coaching, Executive Function
• Social and Emotional Development
• Dyscalculia (math)
• Auditory processing
• Coordination
• Autism / ASD

Kim works with clients in person, on Zoom, in their homes, and in her Chicago office. She has traveled to help clients throughout the Midwest and in New York, California, Iceland, the Dominican Republic, and other places around the world.

When she’s not working, you might find Kim guiding a Forest Bathing walk, birdwatching, biking, hiking, kayaking, listening to music, or curled up with a great book.

Kim has a B.A. in Comparative Literature and an M. Ed. in Reading. She founded the Chicago Reading and Dyslexia Center in 1991.

In 2024, Kim became certified as a Nature and Forest Therapy Guide. She serves as an advisory board member for Say Ah!, a nonprofit health literacy organization.

Licensed to provide:

Licensed since: October 27, 2001


  • B.A. in Comparative Literature
  • M.Ed. in Reading
  • Certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide

Travel: I am willing to travel to clients

Online services: I coach online or in person

Delivery Languages: EnglishEnglish


Kim's Success Stories

Kim, you provided the key to help Kayla unlock the mysteries of why she struggled with schoolwork. How wonderful it is to see her with her nose in a BOOK when we meet for her tutoring sessions. She’s reading above grade level. … As if that’s not enough, you have helped her master math symbols and numbers with amazing results. These programs have changed Kayla’s life.

— Denise Andresen, private tutor of a 9-year-old girl

The Davis Program quickly provided major improvements in Jordie’s reading and math, but even more important, I believe, are his huge strides in self-confidence. … His teacher tells me that his attitude and focus in school have improved 100%! Please accept my deepest gratitude for all the wonderful gifts you have given him.

— Ann, mother of an 11-year-old boy

After meeting with Kim, for the first time in my life, I felt understood. Her natural ability to work with others is her gift. In our first conversation I was asked if I saw pictures when I thought, and if the little words gave me difficulty. My mind’s eye raced around in excitement. She knew about my pictures, and that it was the small words I had the most problems with! The quality of Kim Ainis as a personal instructor is of priceless benefit to those who are fortunate enough to meet her.

— Linda, 45

Kim was enthusiastic and completely personal and focused on my individual challenges and talents. She was so skilled and so fully committed to helping me, it was inspiring. It was a relief to find the incredible tools and knowledge I was missing to both let my talents flower AND help me complete tasks and projects. It gave me the chance to be more successful, professionally and at home.”

—Jeff, 60-year-old client who completed the Concepts for Life program

I have referred many clients to Kim and I am consistently amazed by the results. The Davis program is one of the most successful approaches I have encountered for correcting dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and ADHD. Unlike other programs, it builds on clients’ gifts and addresses the root cause of learning disabilities.

— Dr. Michelle Navarro, Licensed Clinical
Psychologist and Psychometrician

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