Carl Nigi

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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About Carl

I sometimes get asked, "Why did you become a facilitator?" The answer is simple: I’m dyslexic myself. By today’s standards, as a child I would have been diagnosed with a learning disability and ADHD. I was definitely hyperactive; my mother tells me that between the ages of 6 to 10 years old I ran almost everywhere and seemed to be in perpetual motion. What people could not see was that I wanted desperately to do well in school and, more than anything, I wanted to enjoy reading. My mother wanted that for me too but was at a loss to understand what to do.

I get asked by parents regularly, “Why can’t my son read?” or, “Why can’t my daughter pay attention?” I have asked these same questions daily for almost 30 years. “Why can’t I read like others can? I’m an adult now, I know how to concentrate; I’m not stupid or lazy, so why can’t I do this? What is the problem?”

In my twenties I began to look for other people with dyslexia, and ADHD. I wanted to find someone, anyone who had the same problem as me and who could answer my questions and give me a solution that worked. It took more than 20 years. I looked at and tried many conventional methods and experienced a lot of disappointment and frustration.

The Davis programs gave me the insights and the method I had been looking for. I felt that at last here was someone who could articulate my experience, tell me what I was doing and show me how to overcome it and have the success I had always dreamed of. The Davis programs were developed by a Dyslexic/Autistic to give an understanding to parents and provide a positive solution for children/adults to overcome dyslexia, ADHD and autism.

They worked for me when little else did. I have seen the programs work for many others; so much so that I changed professions become a Davis facilitator. Once I had overcome my own dyslexia, I realized I could not sit back and watch others have the same frustrating and confusing experience I had. I had to get involved and help others. I know that dyslexics can have understanding, success and learn to read, write and study as well others. We can overcome the problems associated with dyslexia, ADHD and autism when we understand it and have people around us who are willing help in a way that works for us. We can have our dreams of reading, writing and success come true.

I have been a facilitator since 2010 and, for me, Davis is the simplest, easiest, fastest and least expensive way to help anyone with dyslexia, ADHD, learning difficulties and Autism. Davis programs help to remove the barrier that is stopping someone from learning. They address the underlying cause and truly help the person overcome their difficulties.

“My intention is to help change the current paradigm of learning disabilities and make Davis a household name. This is because I believe that the Davis method is the most significant advancement in education in generations. My hope is that one day Davis will be an integral part of education and mental healthcare and that Davis will be the preferred method of helping people with dyslexia, autism and other learning difficulties. This is because once we understand what Ron Davis discovered, we realize that it is as profound and fundamental to human beings as the ideas of Newton and Einstein. In my lifetime, I want Davis to be realized and accepted as self-evident”.
Carl Nigi


Carl's Success Stories

This is still one of the best gifts I have ever given my amazing boys. Thank you, Carl, for giving them the gift of being able to show and know they are extraordinary. They will now soar instead of just coping. They do not have a disability; they learn differently and thank you for teaching them the difference! You are amazing!
Leah, (mother of two teenage sons both with ADHD).

The Davis Program that Carl teaches was beyond informative and life changing for my son! In just one week I have seen my son change from an “I can't boy” to an “I can boy”! He has built confidence in reading and is now willingly reading on a daily basis. He has also been given the tools to help with his daily struggles. Carl was beyond patient with my son who struggled for many, many years of being “given up on” due to his learning disabilities, ADHD, ADD, ODD etc. I truly wish more parents were aware that there is help there and the Davis program really works, my son proved it to me! Thank you, Carl!!!!
Amanda, (mother of an 8.5 year old boy).

Taking the Davis Program through Carl Nigi has been a great benefit to my youngest daughter. With two dyslexic children of my own, I had previously purchased and been training in using another expensive, laborious system but it did not work for my youngest daughter at all. We were frustrated and discouraged; we did not know what to do. Then we heard about Carl. After just her first week of training with Carl, her reading improved 3-4 grade levels. She has now completed her training at home and is a much more settled, confident, happy teenager. It has been fun to watch her “Ah-ha! Moments.” The Davis Program has not only dramatically improved her reading skills, but it has also helped her to understand herself and like herself more. Carl’s commitment and enthusiasm is infectious. He really cares about the people that walk through his door.
A grateful parent, Helen (mother of a 13 year old girl).

Happiness and Success

Before beginning the Davis Program, my son was really struggling in school. His self-esteem was very low, and despite being identified as “learning disabled” he just wasn’t making any progress no matter how hard he tried. He really believed that he was not a smart person and not able to succeed in school.

I read the book, “The Gift of Dyslexia” by Ron Davis and I realized that it described my son and his situation, so I started looking for a facilitator. We chose Carl because of his personal experience and because of his wonderful ability to engage and motivate students. My son was shocked to find out that he was not alone, and he was eager to work with Carl. Carl quickly became an important and special mentor to my son. They completed the Davis Dyslexia Correction program and the Davis Attention Mastery Program along with a writing module and then we continued to work on Trigger words and the Math Program at home.

Since beginning the Davis Program, we have seen an incredible transformation in my son over the last year and a half. He has not only become a better and more confident reader but also a happier person. We are forever grateful to Carl and his expert skills in teaching the Davis Program. He has provided so much support to all of us and guided us through step by step. Our son is doing significantly better in school, reading more for pleasure, keeping himself more organized and overall is more confident because he now has the skills and the ability to control his Dyslexia.

Thank you, Carl, for being so dedicated to your students and families! We are very lucky to have such a great Davis facilitator in our city. The Davis Program works, and we would recommend it to anyone who has Dyslexia and wants to unlock their potential.
Gail Spencer (mother of 11 year old boy)

My son William was a ‘lucky’ dyslexic: his learning differences were identified early on, and he received professional intervention right away, as well as the unflagging support of his school and home. But despite this help, and his own diligence, William was still not getting anywhere. In grade three he could only read at a grade one level, and this was beginning to affect his self-esteem. Something else had to be done!

Around this time a colleague recommended Davis. I researched the program, met with two local practitioners, and chose Carl because he could be a peer teacher to my son. I really wasn’t sure how the Davis method would work, when all our other efforts had failed, but I was willing to try anything.

The results were incredible: after the first full time week, William’s reading level jumped by a year and a half! It took a lot of effort at home, but by the time we finished the trigger words, William was reading at grade level, and his confidence soared. He began reading for fun and now reads voraciously.

We were so impressed with the results of the reading program that we followed through with the Attention Mastery program. Learning to read was important but this program has taught William (who also has ADD) how to manage life. In our home we now have a common language to talk about life skills such as self-organization and planning, which is so valuable now that he is a teen.

As a parent, watching William finally succeed has been so satisfying, but more importantly, I know William now has the skills and confidence to go on and be a ‘good grownup’. He can focus himself, he can read, and he can stay organized, all because of the Davis method. Carl worked with us every step of the way and kept William on task. He was and continues to be a giant support to me well after his own work with William ended. I cannot thank him enough for changing my son’s life. I encourage any other worried parents out there to give this a try! It works!

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