Tessa Halliwell, BSc MA

Tugby, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

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About Tessa

I have a background in psychology and education but discovered that didn't help when parenting my own neurodivergent children. I struggled to understand why phonics didn't work and why my highly intelligent child was unable to cope in social situations. As a science teacher I was at a loss to explain why some of my brightest pupils underperformed in exams. I found the answers in a Davis workshop. Since becoming a licensed facilitator in 2004 I feel privileged to have been able to help neurodivergent individuals learn and live life more easily. I am particularly passionate about working with individuals who have co-occuring conditions.


Tessa's Success Stories

Parent of 6 yr old.
Before N started on Stepping Stones he had a meltdown every time he wasn’t first in line at school. Not taking his route back home - oh the tears! His clothes had to be the same as his brother (E) and E had to come with us everywhere, we couldn’t go to the playground without E, even though E didn’t want to.
Since we started the programme N became more accepting of change. N is aware that he and E are separate and wear separate clothes - I cannot tell you what a relief that is. As for the route; after a while he stopped noticing even which way we went and doesn’t mind where he is in line.

Father of autistic 33yr old.
As a parent I have found the Davis Autism Approach of immense benefit in that it revealed and helped me understand my daughter’s misapprehension of the world - the everyday things that I had learned innately or previously taken for granted. The initial introduction was intense and turned some of my own belief system on its head, however the value of the course soon unfolded. It provided a shared framework through which to communicate and we began to be able to meaningfully discuss life experiences as well as relate to each other as people. The course gave us ways of questioning the 'hows’ and 'whys’ of difficult concepts, events and situations. Tessa was an incredibly patient facilitator and allowed us to explore the content of sessions rather than direct us to a particular outcome.
Daughter (33yr): I now have the confidence to just be in the world, without getting overwhelmed by the mass of information surrounding me - instead of wanting to shut it out and hide from the confusion, I am more curious and interested in learning. I think the Davis Autism approach offers the gift of freedom: to live as a human being

Dad 2017

B is indeed thriving. Thriving beyond belief. His communication, engagement, enthusiasm for work and pretty much every aspect of his educational experience at school are hugely positive. We all owe you enormous thanks for this. The work he did with you changed things for the better in ways that we didn't dare imagine to be possible. He reads - voraciously. He writes - slowly, messily, but legibly and adequately. He communicates - much better than he did before. School reports have been glowing.
B 2023
Not sure if you remember me but I just wanted to say that you massively helped with my writing skills and numeracy skills. The reason for this update is the fact that not only am I doing A-level English, but also applying to Oxford for it as a uni degree.

Parent of A 9 yr and M 14 yr.
I thought you’d like to know what the children have said about their programmes.
A : After 3 years of school I didn't know my letters. I am now reading and writing because of help from Tessa.
M: I struggled with times tables which is no problem now. I also now understand maths terminology.

MH 33yr
I am highly motivated to complete the 250 trigger words with “symbol mastery” to truly have my dyslexia corrected. I already feel a change in my confidence in my ability to not only learn the English language but other things too.
The mastering process takes a matter of 2 to 3 minutes and this still amazes me even now. The gift of mastery truly is a gift.
Spelling was always a weak point of mine; however, using the techniques laid out in the Davis Programme, it's not anymore.
Having the tools to understand when I am disorientated, is already paying off in day-to-day life. I would urge anybody who is dyslexic to use this programme to enrich their life.

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