Stacey Smith

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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About Stacey

Stacey Smith's journey with Davis began over 25 years ago, sparked by the transformation of a family member and the notable changes observed in her elementary classroom students. These pivotal experiences led her and her husband to transition from teaching in the public school system to establishing a renowned learning academy in Calgary, Alberta, in 2000.

Rocky Point Academy's mission is to empower neurodivergent individuals by transforming their learning abilities and interactions in life. They achieve this by employing personalized, strength-based learning methods that help individuals realize their innate potential, leading to increased confidence, ability, and control over their own learning and lives.

Stacey's passion and experience as a learning specialist, trainer, presenter, and executive team member of Davis International have connected her with individuals of all ages from around the globe. With each interaction, her goal is to learn from and value each person's experiences, leaving them feeling unique, valued, and capable. She loves working with individuals who feel frustrated or stuck, helping them realize that their goals are much more attainable than they once thought possible!

Stacey is passionate about working with clients of all ages, whether they are facing challenges with reading, writing, math, executive function skills, ADHD, or are on the autism spectrum. She is experienced in all Davis programs and is grateful to offer these programs that positively impact those she works with.


Stacey's Success Stories

To Whom it may concern,

Though I have had the privilege of knowing the Smiths for only a short while, my family has benefited greatly from their help in teaching my son, Tony, how to read.

We first heard about the Smiths from a friend who also has a child who suffers from dyslexia. And suffering is what it was, until Stacey worked through the Ron Davis method of Mastery with him and taught him how to be able to focus, handle "trigger" words that would confuse him, and set his inner clock. These are just a few of the things that basically turned him around in a week.

Tony was 10 years old and in fourth grade when the Stacey trained him. He tested at early second grade reading level on Monday, December 6th, 1999. By Friday the 10th, he was reading at fourth grade half year (4.5). We couldn't believe it. 2½ grade levels in 5 days.

As I write this on March 23, 2000 he has only gotten better. He loves to read now that he is no longer afraid of failure. This was a great improvement in his self confidence.

We have found Stacey to be knowledgeable of the material, very efficient, and patient, as well as caring. Their follow up has been more than anticipated. In short, we couldn't be more pleased. If you are considering using their services, I can personally guarantee you will be making an excellent choice.

Most Sincerely,

Thank you for changing Ryan's outlook on school and life in general. He is a different boy since taking your course one year ago. His marks in school have improved drastically. He even has more friends!

Before taking the course, Ryan was on a modified grading system getting N's for not achieving at grade level and P's for progressing towards grade level. This year Ryan is on the regular school curriculum and is getting B's - achieving at level and C's. He even got 3 A's on his last term report. I have attached a copy of his report card. [We have not included this report card as it is personal in nature.] Just reviewing the marks within the last year shows the progress Ryan has made.

In the last parent teacher interview, the teacher was amazed with Ryan's improvements. We are no longer frustrated with the barriers Ryan was struggling with previously. We are able to understand and help with the tools you have provided him with.

Thank you for giving Ryan the confidence and determination to do better in school. He now looks forward to writing tests!

Stacey, your understanding, caring, and patience have been very much appreciated. Please carry on helping others, like you have Ryan. I would highly recommend you and your program to other families with dyslexia.

Karen and Leonard

To Whom It May Concern:
It is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation in behalf of Rocky Point Academy in Calgary, Alberta.

My name is Kristy and I would like to tell you about my 13-year-old daughter. Kirsha has dyslexia. Like many parents with a child that is not learning at school the "normal way" I have gone from worry and despair to she'll get it eventually. In the end the reality was that I had a child who was 12 and could not use a public restroom if there was not a symbol on the door to indicate "Ladies or Men's". I have tried everything, from bribing her, taking away privileges, reading tutors, videos, cassette tapes, and expensive phonics programs. We even moved from England to the United States, where I thought just maybe the educational system would be a bit broader in its approach to reading.

After 18 months in the USA still nothing was working. I was about at the end, wondering and hoping that somehow I could find an answer to help my daughter learn to read.

In November I took Kirsha out of school to go through the one-week program offered at Rocky Point Academy. Kirsha's life was changed forever on that day! Using the methods developed by Ron Davis, they taught Kirsha how to use her gift of dyslexia.

Kirsha started the week with a reading level of a kindergartener. She did not even know her alphabet. Kirsha learned more that first day in Rocky Point Academy than she had in 7 years of school. For the first time in her life, Kirsha came to realize that she was not stupid like the education system and others had tried to tell her. The reality was that she was gifted, but no one could help her access her gift.

In one week her reading level jumped several grades. (And continues to do so) Stacey Smith has taught and equipped Kirsha with the skills and tools to learn successfully.

I cannot express my thanks, for it is a very, very large boulder you helped me push out of the way. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

You, Rocky Point Academy and Ron Davis have helped me 100% Thanks to Ron Davis for writing "The Gift of Dyslexia" and many thanks to Rocky Point Academy.

But most of the thanks goes to you, Stacey. You helped me free myself from my tangled web. I have to thank God for bringing Ron Davis into this world so that he could change many lives, and I am one of those lives.

I've had a wonderful week, and do wish it could continue forever. Thanks for giving me the tools so that I can use them for the rest of my life. I have a few careers I might like to do; a paramedic, engineer, join the military and become a paramedic there, or a geography and history teacher. Whatever it is that I choose I know that I can do it now.

I can read with more understanding, control my temper better, get to sleep easier, write easier and I can get rid of stress quickly. I know how to take responsibility and understand consequence, time, sequence and order. Math makes sense now.

Thanks Stacey because you have given me tools that no man can take away from me. You have made me a lot happier and have helped me to build my dreams. You've given me a firm foundation on which to build as I continue to use my tools.


A week after the program, I didn’t show up to pick Ben up after school, because I had a work accident and ended up in emergency. There was no way for me to contact him and I was worried sick. Prior to a program he would have just sat down on the bench and stayed there until someone came- even if it was the next day. However, he totally surprised me! He waited for a while, and then he walked back into the office and asked to use the phone and called his babysitter. I asked him how on earth he knew his babysitter’s number (he didn’t even know his own number before the program) and he said, “It’s easy mom, Stacey taught me how to use my pictures… so I just imagined the fridge at home… the number is right there.” I asked him if he knew any other numbers on the fridge and he recited all ten numbers to me. What a gift! I had no idea he was capable of such a thing… and neither did he… before the program.

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