Elena Nikulina, Msci

Dartford, Kent, United Kingdom

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About Elena

I am able to help people with the Autistic Spectrum Disorder in participating more fully in their lives.

I can also help people with dyslexia, AD(H)D, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia and empower them.

Russian is my native language so it is a privilege to be able to help overcome learning and social difficulties in both languages, Russian and English.

My own children had learning and behavioral difficulties due to dyslexia and autism. I know all too well how frustrating it is for parents to live with smart children who struggle in school and at home. That is why I am so eager to help other parents because the Davis Method has changed my life and relieved me of deep stress.

I love working with children of all ages as well as adults. I live and work in South East London, UK, Europe.

Feel free to contact me at: elena.nikulina.uk@gmail.com or visit my website: www.fixdyslexia.com

Licensed to provide:

Licensed since: September 11, 2019


  • Master of Economic Sciences

Travel: I only work at my own premises

Online services: I coach online or in person

Delivery Languages: EnglishEnglish RussianRussian (русский язык)


Elena's Success Stories

My son received his "Davis Concept for life" program. What has changed: there are no negative thoughts about the futility of life (thank all the gods, he is only 12 years old), a friend with the same interests appeared, they play online together. A friend came to visit (the roof of the house is in place). Interest clubs appeared - chess.

During the programme sessions, it was possible to find out the reason for the hostility to physical education at school. My son entered a special program to attract him to physical education. I say this because if there were no such program, we would cry on the days when physical education is, or lose uniform, or get sick (anything, just not to go to PE).

Of course, my son says that this is all nonsense and a stupid activity. Sculpting words from plasticine for a young man is somehow stupid. I agree and do not argue, but ask him to continue.

Before the programme, he refused to use a pencil for writing and drawing and did everything with a pen. Gradually, pencil drawings appeared (there was a desire to brag at school) and drawings with felt-tip pens.

Certificates from school appeared for a large number of positive points. Homework has become easier. This is no longer hysteria, but a duty, he does most of it at school.

Life certainly hasn't turned into a fairy tale.
But significant improvements have been made and this makes me happy.

In conclusion, I would like to rephrase "the Davis method is not only problems with reading, writing and mathematics, but vital skills for life".

Natalia Ankassi

... This is not a method of healing and getting rid of a peculiarity - these are tools for mastering yourself.
In fact, you are taught to literally pull yourself together, regulate your speed and think in holograms that you have molded with your hands. You connect your body and imagination.
In general, ask Elena about all this, she definitely knows more. And only by the end of the classes did I understand why the program is so expensive - at the beginning it all seems like some kind of nonsense: you sit and mold letters. We can do this ourselves. Why do we even have to pay money for this?! Only while studying the concept of time did I finally get two and two. Taming the chaos in your head is a slow and meticulous process.
The therapist plants the seeds and waters them, but they sprout later, and you have to work a lot yourself, of course. At some point, a revelation came to me about me and my eternal lateness. Read Davis's books, ask questions, master yourself...

Margarita Baskakova

I highly recommend Elena as a dyslexia correction facilitator! Elena is very caring, patient, responsible and do more and beyond during the program. Elena’s family experience of dealing with dyslexia makes it even more valuable as she truly understands children and parents in this situation. My daughter has other neurological issue and I was not sure if the program would suit her, Elena made the assessment and reassured of the benefits. I am very happy she did and we completed the program as this is truly the best learning experience for my 13 years old daughter.

Ekaterina Aveiro

Елена - большой профессионал в своем деле. Мой сын прошел программу в начале Июля этого года и после программы наша жизнь изменилась на два этапа, до и после. Моему сыну 10 лет с диагнозом дислексия. Елена провела с ним предварительную беседу и порекомендовала провести программу по коррекции внимания, так как она выявила симптомы СДВГ. Курс длился 6 дней, во время которых мой ребенок получил всю необходимую информацию, точнее секретики о том, как он может научится контролировать своё внимание. Программа проходила по Zoom. Я бы никогда не поверила что он сам начнет применять данную ему информацию и до сих пор не понимаю как Елене это удалось, но он это делает! Каждодневные истерики и нежелание выполнят уроки или какие либо задания со временем ушли, с ним теперь можно договориться, о чем раньше я могла только мечтать. Учителя в школе увидели нового ребенка который пришел в школу в Сентябре, да и другие дети его стали принимать как "своего". Программа была моей последней надеждой и она себя оправдала. Спасибо вам огромное за желание помочь другим деткам и их родителям!

Snezana Treikale

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Elena for the work she did with my son! It is beyond words! I want to jump for joy! We received a “new” child and noticed the changes the very next day after the end of the program. And we were not the only ones who noticed. Today my son brought home an award sheet for “Amazing attitude in lessons this week!” Wow!!! This is the first week after completing the course! We never had an “amazing attitude” to studying. My son is 10 years old, he is a very good boy, but he always had difficulty controlling his attention. Everything was difficult for him to remember. Teachers complained that he was always somewhere in his own world... But he simply could not concentrate. Thanks to the Davis program and Elena, my son was able to learn to control his attention. Of course, he still needs to establish himself in this and do a lot of work, but we already know how to do it! Thank you very much, Elena, for your patience, kindness and very useful advice! And also for your support after the end of the program. Good luck to you in this wonderful work helping children and their parents!!

Ira Rice

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