Corinne Graumans

Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada

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About Corinne

My journey with Davis began when I, as an elementary teacher, realized that many children were either frustrated with learning or falling through the cracks and unable to reach their full potential. I began researching alternative ways to learn and quickly noticed that many students were experiencing distorted sensory input, which greatly affected their ability to consistently read, learn, understand new concepts, and retain information.
I completed my Davis training in 2007 and have since facilitated numerous Davis Dyslexic Correction Programs. I have witnessed children and adults transform their self-esteem and reading abilities, enabling them to function with confidence and pride in their daily lives. I also deliver Davis Learning Strategies and use the NOIT device in my classroom to ensure my students are checking their "tools" and receiving accurate sensory input. This helps the children read correctly and feel confident in their overall learning.

Licensed to provide:

Licensed since: 4 октября, 2007


  • Combined Bachelor of Education and Arts Degree

Travel: I only work at my own premises

Online services: I only coach in person

Delivery Languages: EnglishEnglish


Corinne's Success Stories

(Mom) I am very proud of my young son’s personal growth and his achievements in improving his focus and reading skills. He now feels confident enough to read out loud. He commented, “I will just have to use my tools and the reading exercises to help me.” He is now very confident in his ability to focus and orient himself using his "mind’s eye."
(Dad) I noticed an immediate difference in my son such as walking taller, making eye contact with me, and he appears focused and happy. His speech is clearer, and he makes more sense when he talks.” I am proud of his ability to take responsibility for his learning, as well as his progress in reading and math. We are now hopeful for his future and his ability to succeed in school.

After completing my Davis program, I am very proud of my personal growth and the improvements in my reading and spelling. I feel I can remember my ideas and speak more clearly. Spelling can be fun now because I can use visual pictures to help me. I am learning to use my talents to my advantage and am confident in my ability to check my "dial" and focus my "mind’s eye" to stay oriented.
I am now very aware of the types of stimuli that cause disorientation for me. I finally understand how my behaviors and actions were affecting both myself and others. I was able to see how I was creating turmoil in my life and learned how to make positive changes instead of negative ones. I am very happy I took the time to create the concept models in my program.
Here are my mom’s comments since I completed my program: “She is making more eye contact, engaging in conversations more, and is generally more pleasant to talk to and be around. She is also making better choices, and I don’t worry as much when she leaves the house like I did before.” She is happy for me and believes that I can achieve great things in my future as a young adult.

We were worried our nine-year-old son would not be able to read, spell, write and understand like his older brothers. All he wanted was to be like them and have reading and spelling be easy for him too. After completing his Davis program, he told us he would lose focus, get distracted, or try too hard at school. Now he says he does not have to do that anymore because he simply checks his orientation and dial. He can quickly and easily make his dizziness and headaches go away. He now understands more sentences and enjoys reading much more than he ever use to. He can also spell more words correctly by using my orientation point. We see increased confidence and skills in our son. He knows how to navigate difficult learning situations and is proud to show us he can. He now believes he is like his brothers but with a special talent. We are so proud of his progress and his ability to understand what he needs to do to be successful.

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