Sue Jutson

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

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About Sue

Sue has been a licensed Davis Methods facilitator for over 20 years, dedicated to helping individuals of all ages overcome challenges related to dyslexia and ADHD. Throughout her fulfilling career, she has facilitated hundreds of programs, amassing a wealth of knowledge and experience in the application of the Davis® Method.
Originally trained as a registered nurse, Sue was driven by a dream to help others. Discovering the Davis Methods provided a unique opportunity to assist those in need of different support, resonating deeply with her own experiences as a dyslexic individual.
Sue was introduced to the Davis® approach in the late 1990s. After hearing Ron Davis speak for the first time, she was instantly inspired by his positive reframing of dyslexia. His solution—a compelling, personalized approach that builds on strengths—offered an encouraging alternative to mainstream methods.
Sue's journey with the Davis Methods is also deeply personal. Her son completed a successful program at age eight, significantly improving his self-esteem and grades. This experience inspired Sue to change her career and train as a Davis Methods facilitator. After completing her training, she underwent the Davis Dyslexia program herself, which transformed her understanding of her own learning difficulties and ultimately changed her life.
As a neurodiverse individual, Sue has both a compassionate understanding and personal experience of the challenges and unique gifts of neurodiverse thinking styles. This personal journey has given her deep empathy and a unique perspective on her clients' struggles and strengths.
Passionate about empowering neurodiverse individuals and their families, Sue is committed to helping them understand how their learning styles work. She equips them with the tools to reach their full potential—whether at school, in training, at university, in their communities, or in other areas of their lives. She has witnessed how this support consistently leads to transformative, life-changing outcomes.

Sue believes in the importance of neurodiversity for humanity, akin to the role of biodiversity in nature. She often quotes Harvey Blume: “Neurodiversity may be every bit as crucial for the human race as biodiversity is for life in general. Who can say what form of wiring will be best at any given moment?"

Licensed to provide:

Licensed since: July 19, 2004


  • Registered Nurse (c)
  • Certified Clay Coach - CBT/Life Coaching

Travel: I am willing to travel to clients

Online services: I coach online or in person

Delivery Languages: EnglishEnglish


Sue's Success Stories

Thank you for giving D the privilege to work with you.
He has already gained significantly from the Davis sessions and I know the tools you have introduced to him will help him to maximize his potential throughout his time at school and in the future.
D has loved working with you, he is a happy boy again.

“We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails”

With much appreciation,
Grateful parent of 9 year old and Professor of Education.

On the first day I met you I knew you would be a quadruple excellent teacher because you let me play with clay. Thank you for teaching all my tools! I love doing the koosh balls everyday.

Thank you,
D - 9 year old client - sone of C

About 8 years ago, I took a Davis program with you. I am writing this letter now because I wanted to tell you that I just graduated from high school and am preparing to go to university next year…

I wanted to tell you this and show you how far I have come. I doubt if I would be as confident as I am in my writing if I hadn’t met with you when I did. I’m trying not to sound cliched, but it’s true, you helped me so much. I am actually excited to continue my education. I never thought I would willingly choose an academic path for myself, but here I am.

Thank you for your help and guidance all those years ago. It has stuck with me through all of my time at school and it will stick with me for the rest of my life.

G - High school graduate - completed Dyslexia Program age 10 years

I wanted to thank you so much for everything. I think you do an amazing job and working with you has made a big difference in my everyday life.

The best thing this program has done for me is it has eliminated any shame or self doubts I had about my education and intelligence. As a child I felt I should smarter, that I should be able to understand things more easily at school and at college. Everything was always a struggle with reading and writing; I always felt frustrated, would get easily upset, and was often called ‘sensitive’.

Now, after the program, I feel validated - I understand it wasn’t my fault, I had dyslexia!
It took me 63 years to find this out and do something about it. I finally feel at peace with myself. I even feel my self worth and self esteem are so much better.

Thank you Sue for all your patience, wisdom, and hard work, and of course Thank you Ron Davis for creating this amazing program. You have given me all the tools and understanding that I needed.

AP - Adult - age 63

I wanted to give you this card and gift to say Thanks! Your help and support has changed the course of my life in an extremely positive way. I would never have been able to pass the exam without you.

The Davis programs and your support was amazing, it helped me understand who I am, and why I do certain things.…

How my life has changed since that first day I meet with you is unbelievable, so thank you from the bottom my heart.

Update on my goals:
I got the job - I can now work back in my home town
Asked *** to marry me up on the mountain - she said YES!!
Adult - age 32 - Dyslexia and ADHD programs

This program has been instrumental in installing self-confidence and self-belief in my child. Not only has Sue given my son the tools he needs to learn how to read and write, she's helped him understand his gifts and feel empowered by his dyslexic brain.

Sue is a wonderful role model and the Davis program has been a truly positive force for our whole family. As a parent, it's helped me understand my child so much more, and given me the tools to help my child.

We are watching him steadily succeed in reading and writing and are so grateful we found Sue!

Parent of 7 yr old - 2 years after a Young Learners Program


S's teacher and the old ‘inclusion support worker’ have both met with me to tell me they can not believe her (S’s) progress this year.  She is so confident and even asks to read independently before bed.  Her reading level is almost to a Grade 6 now, which is amazing!  

Meeting you and taking the Davis course was the best thing I could have ever done for her and I will forever be grateful for you and Ron Davis.

R - Parent of 10 yr old - 3 months after Dyslexia program

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