Marcia Maust

Berlin, Pennsylvania, United States

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About Marcia

Marcia discovered the Davis® Program in 1997, when she was looking for answers to help her daughter who, at that time, was in second grade and was struggling in the public school system with reading, writing, and spelling. 

Because the Davis Program was such a life-changing experience for Marcia’s daughter, she decided to pursue licensure with Davis Dyslexia Association International. Marcia had the privilege of training directly under Ronald Davis.

Marcia considers it an honor and privilege to be a provider of the Davis Programs. Not only do her clients reach new heights in achieving their specified goals, but Marcia continues to learn and reach new heights from working with her creative, imaginative, and amazing clients.

Laurel Highlands Dyslexia Correction Center has been in business since 2000.  In addition to assisting several hundred clients in reaching new heights through the various Davis Programs, Davis Facilitator Marcia Maust has continued to develop personally and assume more roles within the Davis organization. Although the responsibilities have increased, the passion, integrity, and commitment to each task remain the same. 

2000 – Licensed as a Davis Dyslexia Correction® Facilitator.

2014 – Licensed as a Davis® Supervisor-Specialist, having trained Davis Dyslexia Correction Facilitators from around the world.

2016 - 2024 – Editor of the Dyslexic Reader newsletter, published regularly by Davis International.

Licensed to provide:

Licensed since: June 27, 2000

Travel: I only work at my own premises

Online services: I only coach in person

Delivery Languages: EnglishEnglish


Marcia's Success Stories

“Our miracle took place two hours away, in the mountains of western Pennsylvania.  A year earlier, I read the incredible book, The Gift of Dyslexia (by Ron Davis), which encouraged me to find hope and confidence for my dear eight-year-old daughter and her great struggle to read/write.  After thirty hours this week with an amazing and deeply passionate Davis® Dyslexia Specialist, my daughter learned how to manipulate her creative mind in non-creative settings and how to understand the world of words around her, based on meaning and experience.  She read the word ‘the’ ten times in a story for me yesterday, without any mistakes, because it finally had MEANING for her picture-thinking mind.  An absolute miracle. And so many more miracles have come.  I have felt such gratitude and emotion this past week.  Life is incredible!”

“Our son was diagnosed with significant dyslexia in the second grade after moving from New York and a school that failed him. He was only reading at a pre-kindergarten level, suffered from daily migraines, and was completely frustrated. After reading The Gift of Dyslexia, we decided to look into the Davis® Program, and we found Marcia. She is our angel! Our son has improved by almost a whole year in his ability to read and his fluency, in only four months since starting the program, and he no longer has daily migraines! The “tools” he has added to his toolbox have been invaluable and have helped in all aspects of his life, including hockey! We are forever grateful to Marcia and the Davis Program!”

“My parents learned about the Davis® Program. During the intensive, one-week program, the Facilitator (Marcia) trained me on how to turn off the disorientation that made normal reading impossible. She showed me how to create visual images in clay to understand abstract words and taught me exercises to regain my balance. She gave me the tools to take my life back and, step by step, I did.”

“We wanted to pass on some good news.  Our daughter was accepted to Georgetown, which is extremely difficult to get into.  We screamed, cried, and hugged for quite some time.  This would have been completely unthinkable without you.  There are really no words to express how grateful we are for all you did for her.”

Additional Update…
This young lady was also accepted at a prestigious Ivy League School, and she chose the University of Pennsylvania. She was awarded her Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree in 2012 and started her career as a pediatric oncology nurse at a world-class cancer center. 

“God answered my prayers the day I stumbled across Marcia’s website while trying to find help for my son. He completed the Davis® Program the summer between his 3rd and 4th grade years. I will never be able to say enough about Marcia and this program! Marcia gave him the tools and the confidence he needed to show the world the bright boy who was hiding behind the struggles of reading basic sight words and other issues. There is no doubt in my mind that he would not be where he is today without this program. In 2024, he graduated with honors from Saint Francis University, earning a Bachelor of Science Degree, with a double major in accounting and finance. Before my son completed this program, I honestly did not think college would ever be an option for him. This program WORKS!”

“My youngest son is just doing so well. I love to hear him read to me. It’s like music to my ears. I still think of the people who tested him at one point and told me I just needed to come to grips with the fact that he would probably never learn to read and that I just had too high of expectations for him. I’d love to take him back to them to hear his reading now! We’ll be forever grateful for the help you gave us.

My middle son used to never read just for enjoyment. Yesterday, he picked up a book and hasn’t been able to put it down. I have never seen him read like this before. I am just thrilled. When I think of the progress he’s made, I have to think of you.

In case you’re wondering, I’m crying as I write this, as it all still overwhelms me with how everything came together for the boys to get the help from you that they did.”


“My youngest son is working as an RN and is doing very well. In fact, he passed his boards the very first time he took them!  

My middle son owns his own business and works as a professional photographer.  

And my oldest son, who also completed a Davis® Program at Laurel Highlands at the age of 16, is working on his doctorate. Last year, he read 75 books! This is the boy who I would set a timer for when reading, and just as soon as the timer would go off, he would slam his book shut, even if he was in the middle of a sentence. He is a Pastor, has a beautiful wife, and is the father of three children. 

I am still amazed that these are the same boys who worked with you all those years ago. I will forever be grateful to you.” 

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