Lynn Chigounis

Montclair, New Jersey, United States

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About Lynn

Lynn Chigounis is a licensed Davis® Facilitator, and founder of New Perspectives In Learning. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in philosophy and history, and Teachers Certifications in Social Studies K-12 and Elementary Education. Lynn had been an elementary and middle school classroom teacher for 16 years, and also served as an Enrichment teacher working one-on-one and in small groups with students struggling to learn.

In 2000, I was challenged by a very bright, 8-year-old boy, who could not master reading despite interventions provided by both his teacher and myself. I tried all the specialized one-on-one reading support available at the time— phonics pages, flash cards, sight-word drills— nothing seemed to help. I was as frustrated as he was.

This child, as countless others, was not diagnosed, but had many of the symptoms of dyslexia. In my search for answers, I came across the book titled, The Gift of Dyslexia—Why some of the Smartest People Can’t Read…and How They Can Learn, by Ronald D. Davis, that instantly got my attention. I ordered the book and couldn’t put in down. Ron Davis explained the root cause of most learning problems, and created a step-by-step plan to correct them.

My “light-bulb” moment came when I learned that most dyslexics and people with ADHD are primarily picture-thinkers who specialize in Non-Verbal processing; however, they are predominately taught to read with the sounds of letters and word-parts, rote memorization of 2-dimensional symbols, phonetic spelling rules, and methods that rely on Verbal (word) processing.

Ron Davis’s theories and methods held the key to overcoming the challenges dyslexic, neurodivergent learners face. They made so much sense to me, I began using his techniques with my struggling students getting amazing results. I soon decided to train with Davis to help more people— adults as well as children— overcome their challenges and realize the gifts and strengths of their learning style.

In 2003, I became a licensed Davis® Program Facilitator, and founded New Perspectives In Leaning: Solutions for Dyslexia and ADHD. My new perspective has helped hundreds of children and adults learn how to focus attention, process the written word, and accomplish the goals they desire. I’ve witnessed over and over, the “light” that goes on, and the increase in self-esteem that follows when someone suddenly realizes that the way their brain works is neither wrong nor broken— it’s special and gifted! I love giving them the tools to harness their nearly limitless creativity and imagination to work for them, even in the most traditional learning settings. I remain to this day— passionate about helping bright, creative, neurodivergent individuals overcome their learning and life challenges, and experience success!

Licensed to provide:

Licensed since: June 4, 2003


  • BA Philosophy/History
  • Teacher Certification K-12
  • Elementary Education Teachers Certification
  • Davis Dyslexia Facilitator's License/Certification

Travel: I am willing to travel to clients

Online services: I coach online or in person

Delivery Languages: EnglishEnglish


Lynn's Success Stories

I have two children with dyslexia who went to Lynn to receive the Davis Method to overcome their challenges with dyslexia. Before going to Lynn they were both reading at very low levels, and were extremely frustrated with very low self esteem. After only one day with Lynn we already saw the positive impact of the Davis techniques. My daughter said “Mommy, I can read!" My son felt a new level of self confidence, and after the program he asked to be taken out of all support and "pull-out" classes.
Some aspects of dyslexia still affect them at times, but now they have the resources to overcome them. My son did the program when he was 10. He is now a very successful Sophomore at Hofstra University, studying Athletic Training.

My daughter did the program when she was 7. She is now a Junior in HS with a 3.7 GPA. They are true success stories. Lynn is so kind and patient. She made both of my children feel safe and smart for the first time! I highly recommend Lynn and New Perspectives in Learning.

~ Mother of two dyslexic children

I’m a 33-year-old graduate student and I didn’t know I was dyslexic with ADHD symptoms until recently. I have always worked very hard at my studies, but wouldn’t get the grades, or success I expected. I realize now that it was because I knew the words, but I didn’t understand the meaning, or concept, which is the basis of understanding people’s words. Because of those missing concepts, or pictures for the words, sometimes when I read, or listened to too much conversation, I felt “lost.”

During my program with Lynn, I learned the term—disorientation— and that explained it very well. I knew the phrase “pay attention,” but unfortunately I didn’t know how to pay attention. I’m lucky Lynn helped me find a way. Now I use the tools to lead my mind to a stable place which helps me to be efficient when reading and doing other tasks. During the Reading program, I found out that the trigger words, like the, is , and was caused my mind to go blank. I can read aloud fluently, but I don’t always know the meaning of what I read. I learned I’m a picture-thinker, so at every word that can’t give me an image, I would get lost and lose the meaning. So I found out that it’s important to master those “trigger words” in clay so my mind has a picture to process them.

We also did the basic concepts of consequence, cause/effect, time, sequence, and order. These helped me deal with the missing piece in my life. They helped me understand there is a sequence and order to things I want to accomplish. It has helped me plan and organize myself and my tasks. Before doing the program, I would get easily distracted and not finish my work. I’m glad I now have new tools. I wish I would’ve done this program sooner, so I didn’t have to struggle for so many years.

Lynn is insightful, patient, and knowledgeable about people who think like me. Working with Lynn was a wonderful experience! I learned many valuable tools to help me continue my studies, and navigate my life.

Lynn is a gifted teacher who has help me change my life. I am a 60 y/o male who recently discovered that I am gifted with a "learning disorder" called DYSLEXIA. I have struggled with reading and testing from the day I started school, but did not let that stop me from receiving an MBA and having a successful business career.

I was not lacking intelligence but I did not fit in with my teachers and class mates. Throughout my life I enjoyed the ability to see things as a picture with little interest in reverse engineering the components that made up the picture which I was often asked to do. I am typically the one who comes up with creative ways of solving complex problems. I had to develop my own way of interacting with colleagues and intellects to "fit in." This was a process that was not only laborious, but it negatively impacted my self-esteem.

Lynn painted the picture of what dyslexia is on the first phone call, and I immediately resonated with it. I felt like she understood what I had struggled with all my life.

In my one week program, Lynn taught me the skills needed to fully embrace this “gift” in a way that is self-empowering. To this day I still schedule a few hours from time to time with Lynn to work with my clay modeling tools that shape my thoughts into fruition.

Lynn is a wonderful teacher who has dedicated herself to helping people like you and me to be fully empowered beings. She has open doors for me, and I am most grateful. I highly recommend that you explore what awaits you when you discover your “gifts” of dyslexia, and the keys to empowerment.

Adult New Perspectives In Learning client

Lynn and I worked in a school together years ago. Last year, she posted a video on Facebook about a child with reading difficulties. My son was 10 years old at the time, and struggling with reading; but his pediatrician said it wasn’t dyslexia because he didn’t write his letters backwards.

Matthew had many of the characteristics described in the video. He could recognize and read big words like hippopotamus, but he’d stare at small words like, but, or, and, and seemed stumped. He had excellent comprehension if a story was read to him, and almost none if he had to read it himself. As a 3-year-old, he’d find something in the house, take it apart, and build something new all by himself.

When he was in fifth grade, he was barely reading at a second grade level. He felt terrible about himself. Homework could take five hours or more – he’d pull apart the erasers on his pencils to manage his frustration. I’d taken him to several tutoring companies, but nothing worked.

Bringing him to Lynn was the best decision I’ve ever made. We started the Davis Program on Monday, and Lynn immediately put him at ease. Her manner is relaxed and patient. Her perspective was not, “this is what’s wrong with you,” but rather, “you have such a gift!” Her passion for the program is infectious.

I used to have to read his chapter assignments to him, and after a day or two of the program he wanted to be the one reading. I stopped having to sit with him while he did his homework; he now comes home and gets it done right after school. This year, he’s gotten straight A’s and is now reading above grade level!

It’s hard when your child’s problem has to do with perception, because you can’t actually see the problem. Lynn validate that my son was bright, but there was a processing issue, and then went on to help Matthew solve it. In some ways, it’s like he’s a completely different kid— definitely more confident and happy!

Our 8 y/o daughter recently completed an intensive, 5-day Davis Reading Program with Lynn. We have seen significant improvement and overall confidence in reading and writing. Additionally, we noticed a new sense of understanding math problems with more clarity. Having the tools to correct the symptoms of disorientation is truly a gift. Thank you, Lynn, for being our Davis Method facilitator.
With Gratitude, The E family.

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