Helen Milstein, B.Ed

London, Greater London, United Kingdom

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About Helen

I am a qualified teacher (B.Ed) & have worked with all ages in varying capacities, including as a Dance and Drama specialist in my early days. Since 2011, I have specialized in teaching Literacy and Numeracy to those with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) (I have the OCR certificate and am Patoss registered). I also have the CELTA qualifications for EAL. I have three family members with varying patterns of SpLD, so did years of research into all aspects: Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, ADHD, Autism and Giftedness. I have experience of the emotional toll which trying to negotiate the school system can have on an individual and their whole family. The Davis method offers a gentler, holistic approach, which works with the individual’s natural way of learning, using their tremendous creative gifts. My particular area of interest is the crossover between SpLD and Giftedness. I work with clients in their own homes & am so happy to have found Davis!

Licensed to provide:

Licensed since: July 10, 2018


  • B.Ed Hons
  • Dip LCDD
  • OCR Level 5 Cert
  • Celta

Travel: I am willing to travel to clients

Online services: I only coach in person

Delivery Languages: EnglishEnglish


Helen's Success Story

We signed our 9 year old son, Zac up for the Davis Programme focussed on how it would help his dyslexia, what we could never have predicted is what far reaching ripple effects it would have for our son and all the family. When Helen entered our lives Zac's confidence and self-esteem were very low, he was struggling at school and the frustration of not being able to express himself was beginning to mean he stopped trying. It was devastating to hear him call himself 'stupid' and 'useless'. 
Helen's gentle, calm, clear, compassionate approach both engaged and empowered Zac. He felt understood and heard. Within days he was making clay words and reciting 'through' backwards. We were in awe. It wasn't just that he was learning, but to see him grow with pride and self-worth and having fun at the same time! We noticed that he started talking to himself in a kinder voice and rather than getting frustrated he would employ the 'focus' techniques to re-centre himself. 
Zac is now enjoying reading every night and the sweep, sweep technique means he follows the punctuation and so reads with a flow and in turn follows the story. We would never have believed it if someone had told us he would be reading Harry Potter by now but he is! Zac is also writing again for fun, and it's legible, he no longer tries to hide behind small letters. 
To say that it has been transformative is no understatement, but of course it's not over, we absolutely understand this is a life-long process and there will be challenges ahead but we now feel more equipped to support him through them and most importantly he has the tools and motivation and a core belief that he can help himself. We really liked the mixture of hands on practical and wellbeing and there is lots that we use as a family. Finally, I would add that it has been 'therapeutic' for want of a better word for Launa and me as parents. 
Thank you so much for helping him see what a wonderful, creative person he is and believe it. 

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