Dorothy Pearson-Braesch, M.Ed.

Vacaville, California, United States

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About Dorothy

Dorothy Pearson-Braesch, aka Ms. Dottie, has been working with special needs children and adults since 1975. When her daughter Sara was in 5th grade, a friend who was a Davis facilitator, suggested that Sara might be dyslexic. Although skeptical, Dottie agreed to have her daughter go through a Davis Dyslexia Correction Program for reading. At the beginning of the week-long program, Sara’s reading level was 3.2, and at the end of the week, her reading level tested at 5.4! Shocked by this growth in such a short time, Dottie thought that it was impossible and there must be some mistake. Sara was in heart failure and was hospitalized the following week, but a month later, when she went back to school, her reading was tested at 5.4 again. Grade Level!
Dottie attended a four-day Davis workshop to find out more about this program, and upon returning home, as she was explaining to Sara what she had learned about 3-dimensional thinking and disorientation, Sara got tears in her eyes and said, "Finally you get how I think!" This program not only brought her reading to grade level, but it also changed their relationship. Sara continued to be dyslexic, but she had the tools to correct the symptoms. At the age of 19, after Sara had moved to Los Angeles, Dottie asked her if she ever thought about or the tools she learned from the Davis program in the fifth grade. Sara responded, “Are you kidding me? I would never be able to drive in LA traffic if I didn’t know how to get myself oriented!
Sara died at the age of 21 from her heart failure, but what she taught Dottie lives on. Because of the struggles seen firsthand, Dottie has the unique ability to provide each program with a kindness and gentleness that many clients have not experienced before. Most clients come away with not only the tools to control their symptoms of dyslexia providing greater success, but also an increased confidence in every area of their life. After years of teaching special education in the public schools, Dottie now only provides the Davis programs because Davis really works. The Davis Dyslexia Correction® Program changed Sara’s life and it changed Dottie’s life too. It may change yours as well.

Licensed to provide:

Licensed since: December 2, 2005


  • M.Ed. Special Education (James Madison University)
  • Special Education teaching credential

Travel: I am willing to travel to clients

Online services: I coach online or in person

Delivery Languages: EnglishEnglish


Dorothy's Success Stories

Words from a parent of a 3rd grade Davis graduate. "Hello. Thank you for inquiring about (my son). His performance on spelling tests have greatly improved, as well as his self-confidence all around which is the best! I would say he is reading at grade level now.
The greatest thing has been the self-realizations of my husband which has allowed him to relate to (my son) in a more understanding way. It has positively affected his relationships with my older son as well.
So although we had our doubts with the price of this program in the beginning, the unexpected life changing benefits have been well worth the cost.

A 5-year-old kindergartner came for a Young Learner Program. His teachers and parents had been working for months to teach him how to write his 4-letter name. On day three, his mom came to pick him up and he proudly told her he could spell his name. He went on to spell not only his first 4-letter name, but also his last name with 7 letters. She was shocked and got tears in her eyes. He was so proud.

A 22-year-old community college student came for a reading program because she had failed English twice. On day three of the program, she got tears in her eyes and said, "You have no idea how healing this is. I'm not dumb, I just learn differently!" When visiting her several months later, she showed me a paper and a stack of quizzes marked with an "A"! She ended up with an A in English after failing the class twice. She went on to graduate with her AA in business.

A 9-year-old came for a reading program, reading at a kindergarten level. His mother had him in a reading program through the public library over the summer and was reading to him every evening. On the third evening, he asked if he could read a page. Surprised, she gave him the book (3rd grade level) and he read an entire page! Mom had tears in her eyes as she was telling me the next morning.

Quote from a student to parent..., "Today was great in math. We were doing decimals and I knew all the answers. The kids were just looking at me and wondering how I knew. Thank goodness for Ms. Dottie. She taught me all that stuff."

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