Colleen Malone

Newmarket, Ontario, Canada

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About Colleen

Colleen Malone is the founder of Ready Set Read, located in Newmarket (York Region.) She has been a Davis Facilitator since November 2010, working with clients of all ages, children, teenager and adults who struggle with learning in school and/or the workplace. She is passionate about working with those who have had difficulties with reading, math and attention.
She became interested in the Davis programs when her daughter was having difficulty in the classroom while in high school. Knowing that she had potential Colleen could see that she was struggling with her schoolwork and completing her assignments. We were eager to look for answers to help our daughter. The school began testing but after trying different tutoring methods and accelerated learning to help her catch up at the local schoolboard something was still needed. That is when Colleen came across the Davis Method and immediately became interested in the programs. While working with a Davis facilitator in the area we could see how the methods were helping her. After the program was completed and seeing the improvements in their daughter’s schoolwork Colleen decided to pursue the Davis training program to become a facilitator.
While continuing her position at Southlake Regional Hospital Colleen went through the training process to become a licensed Davis Facilitator working with children/adults. She has had the privilege of working with many children and adults to help them learn these methods so that they may achieve success while gaining confidence. It has been a delight to see the changes that occur before, during and after a Davis Program. I would like to invite you to find out more about this life changing program for Dyslexia, ADHD, writing and math in Ron D. Davis’s books “The Gift of Dyslexia.’” and “The Gift of Learning.”
Colleen has enjoyed her career paths, working at a busy regional hospital in the Cancer Clinic and Coronary Care Unit for 25 years and now helping children and adults learn the Davis methods for a better tomorrow. Helping others, “is what I do best” she says. In her spare time, she loves to be outdoors in nature hiking, canoeing and camping while spending time with family.
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Licensed to provide:

Licensed since: January 19, 2010

Travel: I am willing to travel to clients

Online services: I only coach in person

Delivery Languages: EnglishEnglish


Colleen's Success Stories

My family was relocated to Toronto from California. My two daughters were struggling in school so I thought I would take the opportunity to seek help. I met a woman in a coffee shop that told me about the Davis programs, that evening I looked up to learn more about the programs and find a facilitator near me, Ms. Colleen was the one I chose. My priority was having my youngest daughter do a program, I felt she needed it most. Lu enjoyed the program so much and when I would pick her up at the end of the day, she was on a cloud with excitement. She was wanting to show me all she had learned and the models she had made. After a couple of weeks my oldest daughter began her program, and I found it really helped her feel more confident with her schoolwork and made doing homework easier.
Ms. Colleen was very accommodating as she was willing to come closer to us and found a place in our city to work with the girls. It was a tremendous help for me not knowing the area. Fast forward, the girls were retested, and both did awesome. They are both at grade level, and right on target for everything. We are now back home in California, but the girls like to talk about their adventure in Canada enjoying the snow and working with Ms. Colleen.

We had concerns for our son who had been identified with Dyslexia, he is in grade 3. He was struggling with reading and writing and paying attention. He did not like being taken out of his class for remedial work in front of his peers. After having done a program with Ms. Colleen, he was feeling confident with his reading and his writing was improving. He told me last week he wished that Ms. Colleen could be his teacher because his teacher did not understand how he learns. He is loving school and likes using his tools. Thanks for all your help with our son. We are happy to see him enjoying school again.

My husband wanted to learn how to read. He has never been able to read or write and was sent home from school in Grade 2 saying to his mom keep him home. He is now 50 and has the interest to learn how to read. I reached out to Colleen at Ready Set Read to see if it was possible to help him after all this time not being able to read or write. She felt he was a good candidate for a Davis program. He is a hard-working man who has done well for himself. After an assessment to find out more about the program he decided to sign up for a Davis Dyslexic program. After the week program and follow-up sessions, his reading improved and the best part was, he is more confident and feels good about himself. We are happy he took the leap. Thank you.

My son is going into Grade12, and I am concerned for what the future holds. He is a hard-working boy and enjoys being around friends and family. He has struggled in his academics with reading, writing and math. While discussing his future he said he would like to get help in his reading. We started to search the internet for possible places that could help him. We came across Ready Set Read located in Newmarket. After speaking to the facilitator Colleen about the programs we set up an assessment that my husband, our son and I attended. My husband who struggled throughout school new that this would help our son. He attended the week program and did his follow-up work for the six months diligently. He is much more confident, and his reading has definitely improved. For the first time that ever he is taking interest in what he is reading as well as understanding its meaning! He has continued to work hard on improving himself. He also participated in the math program, and it has helped his work in the family business immensely. Thanks for helping our son.

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