Cala M. Dyck, BA, Mandarin (UBC)

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

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About Cala

As an educator with over a decade of experience teaching English, Cala already had high job satisfaction and absolute confidence in her teaching abilities; however, her unexpected struggle to help her own dyslexic ADHD daughter learn to read and focus made her re-think everything she thought she knew.

Davis programs took down the seemingly insurmountable barriers to learning for her daughter. Since experiencing these near-miraculous results, her and her daughter have referred anyone who would listen to Davis, and Cala's done the full range of Davis training on neurodivergent thinking.

Cala feels privileged to be able to guide her clients through their own similar life-altering transformations. She feels strongly that there is no career more meaningful than that of a Davis Program Facilitator, and nothing more gratifying than giving someone with dyslexia, Autism, and/or ADHD the exact tools they needs to reach their goals.

She never ceases to be amazed at how empowering Davis Programs truly are!

Licensed to provide:

Licensed since: October 11, 2021


  • TESOL Certificate for ELL instruction

Travel: I am willing to travel to clients

Online services: I coach online or in person

Delivery Languages: EnglishEnglish FrenchFrench (Français) ItalianItalian (Italiano) MandarinMandarin (普通话 [普通話])


Cala's Success Stories

A.L., age 18 (Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism)
Day 2- For the first time I’m not missing pieces, I’m hearing ALL the conversation!
Day 3- Writing is not hard anymore, it doesn’t give me hand cramps.
Day 4- I don’t have to think to answer a question anymore – the answer just pops into my head.

A.M., age 38 (Dyslexia, Auditory processing disorder, Obsessive compulsive disorder)
I'm able to use Davis tools in situations where people are giving me instructions to avoid becoming confused. Davis tools also help me retain details of what I read and recall them later. I'm able to better regulate my energy level and I've noticed improvement in not fixating on details as well!

G.M., age 10 (Dyslexia, ADHD)
Day 1- (lunchtime) Mommy! I can turn my dyslexia off!
Day 2- I can go to sleep right away now, I just get my dots [Davis tool] and I fall asleep.
Day 3- (before writing a word for the first time since learning Davis methods) Oh, this is going to be hard...[writes word] Oh! That was EASY!
Mother's text 7 days post-program: "I meant to mention - her [online] class attention has improved like 100 percent, she follows along. The other day she asked to take [her own] Bible study classes. So THANK YOU!"

D.C., age 48 (Dyslexia)
I can read without my mind wandering and my eyes have stopped jumping ahead and "guessing" words. I can understand and remember what I read.
When I use Davis methods I listen to and process what people are telling me more accurately.
Davis methods have even improved my soccer-playing skills. I am now in control of my dyslexia instead of the other way around!

*See also Google reviews under Cala's business name, "Clarity Dyslexia Solutions Vancouver"

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