Casey Linwick-Rouzer

Sugar Land, Texas, United States

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About Casey

Casey Linwick-Rouzer has been a licensed, certified Davis Dyslexia Correction® Facilitator since 2004.
Casey finds two decades of experience working with these highly intelligent, creative and imaginative visual thinkers continues to be profoundly fulfilling. It is her mission to inspire each individual to discover and own their many talents, and to overcome the challenges that have held them back; to become life-long learners.

The Davis Programs are life-changing for both the individual and the entire family. Casey has worked with clients from age 7 to 71, from first graders to retirees. Their remarkable changes in a very short time are exciting to behold.

“I love this work! It is so rewarding to see my clients reach their goals in reading, math, coordination, attention and/or organization, and see confidence and self-esteem renewed or restored. But the surprising and wonderful 'side effects' are amazing to see unfold as well: losing a fear of descending stairs, tying shoes, telling time, riding a bike, making friends or getting better at a previously difficult sport."

The possibilities are endless once Davis® has opened a new door!

Living with a delightfully dyslexic daughter and husband keeps life exciting and uplifting as well!
-Casey Linwick-Rouzer, Director, New Perceptions Learning Center

Licensed to provide:

Licensed since: August 17, 2004

Travel: I only work at my own premises

Online services: I only coach in person


Casey's Success Stories

"After years of heart rending frustration with the public school system and how they do not deal effectively with any type of special needs student, I stumbled upon a book called, "The Gift of Dyslexia" by Ron Davis. That book led me to Casey Linwick-Rouzer, the only practitioner in Harris or Fort Bend counties qualified to teach his learning approach. Meeting Casey was without a doubt, the turning point for a little 10-year old boy who was about to turn off to school and learning forever. Casey not only put our grandson, Dane, through the reading and math programs, but she alone was the one who taught him how to tell time and tie his shoes! Her patience, love and astute understanding with Dane was miraculous as he was very resistant to learning after spending four years in the public school, 'special ed' holding tank. There will never be enough thanks to Casey for the wonderful work she performs for those fortunate enough to have her in their lives."
J. Richards

I made the decision to pursue my MBA after a significant period away from formal education. To meet the requirements for MBA program admission, I needed to take the GRE (Graduate Record Examinations), despite not having taken a standardized test in over 25 years.
Recognizing the importance of identifying my strengths and areas needing improvement, I sought assistance from Davis facilitator Casey Linwick-Rouzer. Under Casey's guidance, I completed the full reading program, which proved invaluable.
Thanks to the support of Casey and the Davis program, I achieved an impressive GRE score and secured admission into my top-choice MBA program.
Thank you, Casey and the Davis program!
Dorothy Clegg
MBA Sustainable Systems

M was diagnosed with moderate to severe dyslexia at the end of 2nd grade. When she started 3rd grade her reading skills were basically non-existent. I found out about the Davis program on-line, and she completed the 5-day Davis program in November of that year. We immediately noticed improvements in her reading ability. We followed through with all that Miss Casey recommended at home (and still do, more than 3 years later). M passed her reading TAKS test in 3rd grade, and in 5th grade received a "commended" score! At the end of 5th grade, the dyslexia specialist at school tests all the kids in the program - M was reading at an 11/12th grade level! 

She also completed the Davis Math Mastery with Miss Casey, and passed her math TAKS. She is going to start 6th grade in the pre AP math class (her choice).
-Parent of a New Perceptions Learning Center Client

I was just 7 1/2 and in first grade when I went through the Davis Dyslexia Program.

Before I met Ms. Casey, reading was always a struggle for me, making school an absolute nightmare. While school never became my favorite thing, with Casey's years of expertise, I was able to push through.
Thanks to Casey’s passion and hard work, I recently graduated from Kansas State University. I highly doubt I would have made it this far without her. If you are debating whether this experience will help you or your child, I can guarantee it will be time well spent in every way. Thank you so much, Casey, for the impact you have made on my life! I will forever be grateful!

Justin Sanchez

If you are on the fence about whether to work with Casey, I hope this message helps you make the right decision.

Hi Casey,

Colton is doing very well, and I am so impressed with his is really amazing. He loves reading now!!! He now reads to his dad every night and his spelling has dramatically improved! We go over all the spelling words on Mondays, and then we work on any words he has problems with using the techniques we have learned. 

Of course, there are always those "off" days, but for the most part he is doing terrific. And it is amazing how many other categories it spills over into…math, writing, grammar…all are improved. His confidence is up and his behavior and attitude are greatly improved. I think a lot of the attitude and behavior issues were out of frustration and avoidance. He would try to do right and want to do right, but the minute he hit a snag, frustration would set in and then he would get distracted while trying to avoid it all. 

Now, he has much better self-control, and he actually has tools to work through those snags instead of wanting to quit…and all of that gives him more confidence. The reading exercises and "stop signs for reading" are just second nature to him now.

Thank you so much! 


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