Sue Hall

North Saanich, British Columbia, Canada

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About Sue

Sue’s training began experientially at school. By the age of 18, Sue remembers promising herself that she would never read another book as long as she lived. It was a solemn heartfelt promise that lasted many years!

When her son started school, she noticed his reading ability did not relate to his intelligence and powers of memory. She attended a lecture on “The Gift of Dyslexia” she realized this was the much needed positive approach she had been looking for. After his program, her son described his dyslexia as a wound – other systems had given him band-aids for his wound, but his Facilitator had helped him to heal it himself!

After hearing that, there was no choice, Sue had to train as a Davis Dyslexia Correction Facilitator with Ron Davis in the UK, and was delighted to discover that she too was dyslexic. She emigrated to Canada in 1998 and is one of over 400 Facilitators worldwide.

Sue founded The Whole Dyslexic Society in 2001 to ensure improved Outreach, Financial Accessibility to the programs, a Prevention objective and to create a Community of like-minded individuals.

Her TEDx in March 2021 was a scary but fulfilling experience. Her book Fish Don't Climb Trees shares her own experience and that of her wonderfully talented clients, woven into the Davis approach.

Sue loves to speak to groups of parents, teachers, educators, and of course dyslexics, sharing her knowledge of the perceptual gift that underlies their talents and their challenges. She has been interviewed on radio and TV, delivered many Professional Development and Conference sessions and has been featured in a documentary: 'Who Knew' for release in 2025.

Sue feels very privileged to help those with ‘the gift’ overcome their challenges and enjoy learning. She is totally dedicated to this approach, knowing it addresses the cause of the challenges.

Licensed to provide:

Licensed since: February 22, 1999

Travel: I am willing to travel to clients

Online services: I coach online or in person

Delivery Languages: EnglishEnglish


Sue's Success Stories

I worked with Sue Hall when I was in my 20s through the Davis Dyslexia program and was really happy that Sue was able to help my daughter, who is in grade two, this past January. I highly recommend Sue and the Davis program. It worked really well for me and we’ve already seen improvements with my daughter’s progress learning to read and her confidence. Sue has a magic way of working with people. She is kind and understanding, and has a gentle way of pushing you forward and breaking through barriers.
I encourage anyone with dyslexia to connect with Sue.

My daughter started with Sue when she was assessed professionally for having Dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia at the end of grade 4. When we met Sue we were desperate, and we were slowly losing our daughter to anxiety and depression. At this time my daughter was in Grade 4 at a pre K reading level with little comprehension of the alphabet and math was non existent. I am not sure she could print anything other than her name.

I encourage anyone who is considering taking this program to set aside everything they thought they knew about dyslexia and embrace what is to come when your child starts learning the Davis method. Do not try to figure out the science or how it can possibly work, just embrace it, learn what you can as a parent to support the learning style and commit to see it through for your child and their future! ET

“Thank you so much for bringing the Davis Program to our community. I feel very blessed and I am so relieved. The anxiety of the last 3 years is starting to fade away as I can see how enjoyable reading is becoming for my daughter. The fact that she is reading in such a short time tells me that hard times are behind us. I would recommend this program to anyone who has a child struggling to read and comprehend in school. It has been the answer for us.”
~Mother of an 8yr old ‘corrected’ dyslexic girl

“Ron Davis’ training took my son from deciding never to learn to read to fully reading in a very short time. I remember him telling me when he was six years old, ‘I don’t have to learn to read, I will have people read for me.’ At 16 he is now in the Grade 11 Science Co-op program with straight A’s. I am truly grateful for the Ron Davis philosophy and the wonderful tutelage of Sue Hall who facilitated the program for my son. Mom

“It (the program) was like heaven, heavenly school. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have dyslexia because so many people say…he’s doing well in spite of his dyslexia…and they just don’t understand. But you (the Facilitator) totally get it because you are dyslexic, I’m glad you’re dyslexic because you understand what it’s like. I’d choose to be dyslexic because it’s what makes me good at art, and math, it’s special, it’s a major gift.”
DS – ‘Corrected’ Dyslexic – at age 9

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