Karla Wilkins Gonzalez

Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico

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About Karla

Nice to meet you!

Let me introduce myself. I am a person with the gift of dyslexia, and this trait was inherited by my son. I have a degree in Pedagogy and a master's in International Education. I worked for over 28 years in schools, and years ago, I became certified as a Davis Program facilitator. I have conducted parent workshops at various schools. The topics are diverse, and I also adapt to the interests of the school or the educational community.

Licensed to provide:

Licensed since: March 19, 2015


  • Lic. in Pedagogy and Preschool Education
  • Facilitator of the Conscious Discipline Program
  • Internationally Certified in the Davis Method "The Gift of Dyslexia"
  • Experience in International Workshops
  • Conscious Discipline Advanced Institute and Conscious Discipline Infant and Toddler Institute
  • M.Ed. in International Education
  • HeartMath® CertifiedMentor and Coach
  • With Over 27 Years of Experience

Travel: I am willing to travel to clients

Online services: I only coach in person

Delivery Languages: EnglishEnglish SpanishSpanish (Español)


Karla's Success Stories

Hello, good afternoon,

I hope you're doing well. Besides greeting you, I want to thank you for being part of my son's academic improvement. I am convinced that his result is the sum of his effort, dedication, the opportunities God allowed, and the wonderful people who supported, taught, and believed in him. Here is the result. This new school year, which he was able to attend mostly in person, was crucial for applying what he learned and reaching his goal, which was to improve. For me, he surpassed it with a final average of 9.5 in 3rd year of secondary school.

Thank you very much.
Emiliano’s Dad E.M.

We have seen a remarkable improvement in Ana. At school, she has achieved good results without any adjustment issues. She has confidence in herself, and the truth is that it has been a good start to the school year.

Ana’s mom L.Q.

Our experience in the Davis program
We are the parents of Isabel. Isabel is 8 years and 6 months old and enrolled in the program when she turned eight.
It is very hard for us to explain what this experience has been like because we have not been able to grasp it completely; and perhaps we will never be able to understand how much it has helped our daughter. We are outside, we are only spectators of our children's development. We can only see the “tip of the iceberg” — which by the way, is uplifting by itself. But what is really surprising and awesome is what happens inside these kids when they discover that they are not bad, or abnormal, and they can use tools to overcome what is difficult for them. Most of all, the program gives them an opportunity to discover how talented they are and build a healthy self- esteem.
I think what hurts parents the most is to see their kids sad, overwhelmed by requirements and not trusting that they can do things. I guess this is partly due to the fact that consciously or unconsciously we think the same; we have come to believe this, because the educational system of most schools “shows so”.
I believe that the most important thing that the Davis program has given to my daughter, and all of us, is the possibility to see that our daughter is using all her potential and wonderful skills; that she is no longer a girl with a learning problem, but a girl that is fully aware that some areas require more effort from her, but at the same time, aware off all her outstanding skills and strengths within a broad range of learning fields.
This method is no magic, and includes a requirement that may make it complicated for young kids. However, this same feature makes it so efficient when applied correctly: IT IS THE KID WHO DECIDES TO USE AND APPROPRIATE THE METHOD.
Isabel’s parents

I must tell you that I made the mistake of trying to get involved in the process; I understood that using those tools was so good, that I wanted my daughter to use them when I thought it was necessary. Don't make the same mistake. Let your child become responsible for their own process. Believe me when I say that as soon as I let my stress and control need aside, everything started working better.
I know that even with the help of the tools, my daughter will have to continue striving all time at school. Her motivation and self esteem will continue to have ups and downs. But now she has tools she can use to get where she wants to. And this allows her to see challenges and difficulties as they are, not as a huge wall in front of her that makes her quit even before trying.
Finally, let me tell you that by the end of the previous school year, Isabel was awarded the highest acknowledgment granted by the school to one student of each grade. An award that does not reward the average obtained (which was really satisfactory), but continued effort to improve as a student and person. This is what the Davies program offers kids: the possibility to turn into the best version of themselves.
We wish you the best of lucks and courage. We know having such special kids is no easy task. But fortune is found where you least expect it, and not everybody is able to discover it.

Guadalajara Jal.

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