Diane Papworth

Dargaville, Northland, New Zealand

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About Diane

After 27 years in education, Diane finally found the answer she had been looking for, when she read The Gift of Dyslexia, by Ron Davis.

Former Deputy Principal and SENCO (Special Education Needs Coordinator), Diane Papworth regularly sought programmes and resources to assist students with learning issues, anxieties, and all the complexities that come with being a neurodiverse individual. Most programmes, Apps or devices, primarily assisted the learner to read, write or spell, but did not help with the root cause of their learning difficulties. People who think differently require a different approach. The Davis method provides proven strength based tools and effective learning strategies. Davis not only gave Diane a multisensory programme to help neurodivergent individuals, but also a new purpose, as an educator.

As a licensed Davis Facilitator, Diane can offer programmes for children, teenagers and adults, to help with ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia (Math), Dysgraphia (Writing), Dyspraxia, and Executive function difficulties.

Diane is passionate about the Davis method, empowering people of all ages, who experience difficulties with their learning and their life. One client said, “the Davis programme is life-changing, like a lifesaver.” Those lightbulb moments are what inspires Diane to help individuals achieve and believe in themselves. The tools they acquire unlocks their innate ability to learn and effectively navigate life. The confidence of the client and the relief on the faces of the parents, is what makes the Davis journey so special.
When Diane trained as a teacher, her vision was:

‘To make a difference in my students’ lives, by helping them work towards their true potential, and to be the best that they can be.’
As a Davis Facilitator Diane’s philosophy remains the same, with her business name:
Amazing Minds – Empowering lives.

Licensed to provide:

Licensed since: December 27, 2023


  • B.Ed. (Otago, New Zealand)
  • Dip.T. (Dunedin, New Zealand)

Travel: I am willing to travel to clients

Online services: I only coach in person

Delivery Languages: EnglishEnglish


Diane's Success Stories

I would say to anyone who thinks (or knows) they have dyslexia to go for it. The Davis® Mastery for Dyslexia program is an experience that will change your life. It has changed mine. It’s helped me achieve some of my goals and be more confident. I’m reading a lot more, better, faster; and even aloud in class. I know how to use my tools and I have less headaches. (12 yr. old female)

I just wanted to acknowledge the transformation we have noticed. After completing the Davis® program, 'A’s' before and after capabilities have shown a noticeable difference. Her motivation and attitude towards her learning has transformed her into an eager to try learner.
Her confidence in many areas is very evident, going into the grocery store with a list and a task seems effortless now. She has learned skills to manage and focus on her reading, writing and communication skills. Learning the method for spelling words, has been life changing. Her inability to spell caused her huge anxiety. Thank you for the opportunity we really appreciate it. (Mum)

My advice for people thinking of doing the Davis® Mastery for Dyslexia program: Go for it! It’s the best thing you can do; it was a lifesaver for me. The words used to move on the page for me, so I couldn’t get work done. I have been struggling with writing because of spelling.
I have always loved reading because it has been an escape from the real world – I have a movie going on in my head. So I use to make up the words I didn’t know, but now when I read I can identify the words better. I concentrate better and read a lot more. At the moment I’m reading Harry Potter, as it’s just like the movies, a replay in my head.
I feel more successful. I try my hardest. I’m naturally using my tools. (12 yr. old female)

He is a happy, mischievous boy who loves riding his bike around the farm. Completing the Davis® Attention Mastery program has given him the confidence to focus and be happy in his learning. He is a lot more confident to practise his writing technique. Cleaning his room and understanding order was amazing. He can now sit down and focus on completing Lego. He is calmer in himself. (Mum of 9-year-old boy).

I would tell people who might have dyslexia to definitely do the program. It will change your life; it’s like a lifesaver. It has been for me. I can pronounce words better. I find reading at home way easier and I notice that I enjoy it more. I just got two books out from the library.
I am not as hard on myself as I use to be. I fine-tune every day and if I find something difficult, I do release. Like today, I would normally be super nervous about doing high jump with my class, but I used my tools and I came to school calm. I get to sleep easier, as my mind isn’t racing like it used to. Everything is way better. (11-year girl)

Since she started her dyslexia programme with Di we have seen a huge increase in her confidence. This applies to her learning and also in general day to day life. She now uses her taught strategies (like focus) to balance her emotions and not to over-think situations.
At home she has been reading a lot more and at her own choice, where in the past she needed encouragement to read. I have also noticed when she helps her younger sister with her homework she uses techniques and strategies on her that Di has taught her; to me that is a massive success that she has taken these on board.
I can’t recommend this program enough to anyone that has the ‘gift of dyslexia’. Her whole attitude has done a 360; just giving things a go is now a constant outcome (not afraid to make mistakes).
Huge thank you to Di for all her continuous support for my daughter. (Mum)

She is a lot happier to come to school; we no longer have the tears. Her confidence in herself has been amazing, since completing the Young Learners program. She will now give things a go, and accept help. Her love of learning is beautiful; there is no longer a big cloud hanging over her. There were many letters that would cause confusion; and her spelling has come on in leaps and bounds. Her pronunciation of ‘v’ would be ‘b’, eg: bolcano (volcano), bet (vet). This confusion has gone. As her teacher, I really appreciate the help Di has given. (Teacher of 7-year-old girl)

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