Rita Von Bon, M. Ed.

Navarre, Florida, United States

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About Rita

Rita Von Bon has taught for over thirty years at the elementary, middle and high school levels as well as college classes. She is also a Language Arts and Reading Specialist. Rita has been a Davis® Facilitator providing Davis® Programs since 2003.

Licensed to provide:

Licensed since: April 14, 2003


  • +30 hours Certification as Elementary School Principal and Supervisor of Student Teachers
  • Master of Arts in Elementary Education with Reading Instruction Specialist (RIS) Certification
  • Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education

Travel: I am willing to travel to clients

Online services: I only coach in person

Delivery Languages: EnglishEnglish


Rita's Success Stories

When our son was 5, he was diagnosed with dyslexia. We began our journey of attempting to learn everything we could – what exactly did it mean, how would it affect him, what tools – were available to help him, what were we going to do? Then we found the Mrs. Von Bon of Paradise Learning Unlimited Services and through them, discovered the Davis® Program. This was the key to unlocking our son’s potential and ensuring his success in a world that didn’t always make sense to him. We were even more thrilled to learn that the Davis® Approach to learning fits in with his day to day Montessori lessons. We learned that even if our child didn’t have dyslexia, the methodology would be beneficial. This program puts the child in control; first by helping him center and/or focus. Then the mastery of the symbols begins. The children learn to create their own picture of the meaning of a particular word by using clay. They hear it, they see it, they touch it – and they do learn it! And soon, they are reading with expression and pleasure. This approach to learning isn’t just limited to reading. Symbol Mastery(TM) occurs in math as well.

Miriam and James, parents of a 1st grader

Prior to working with Mrs. Von Bon, my son struggled with the alphabet, and simple reading was out of the question. He also struggled with counting and sequencing stories and ideas. After one-and-a-half years of tutoring and speech therapy, he had only made slight academic advances. The resulting frustration and stress between my son and his instructors made it worse.
After my son’s Davis® Program, he knows the alphabet and vowels; reads at his class level; and can count to 100 (including counting by fives and tens). The changes I have seen during this time have been remarkable!

Julie, mother of a 3rd grader

“The Davis Learning Strategy (DLS) really works. I just wish we had known about it sooner. Our son might not have had to struggle through Kindergarten and First Grade. I believe more parents and children need to know about DLS. Our son is a completely different child compared to the beginning of the school year. He teacher has commented on the fact.

Jodi & Steven, parents of a 2nd grader

My daughter no longer comes home in tears; she no longer complains of daily headaches. Davis(R) is an all around wonderful program that has worked wonders for my daughter when nothing else could!

Dana, mother of a middle school student

My child learned more in five days with the Davis® Program than she learned in three months with one-on-one tutoring.

Angie W., mother of a 3rd grader

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