Erika Wiegmann

Den Haag, Zuidholland, Netherlands

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About Erika

My name is Erika Wiegmann.

This is my background:
* Studies: German, Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogy and Dutch at the
the Universities of Münster and Osnabrück, Germany (diploma 1989)
* Semester abroad: German and Philosophy at the University of Hull, England (1985/86)
* Doctoraaldiploma Duitse taal- en letterkunde (MA), University of Leiden (1992)
* Teaching qualification for German in secondary education in the Netherlands,
HMN Utrecht (1993)
* 30 years of teaching German as a foreign language and as mother tongue at ISH
(International School of The Hague 1990-2020)
* 2018-2021 Training as Davis facilitator, license (2021)

My Story
In my work as a teacher in secondary education, students with dyslexia had limited special arrangements, however they had to continue coping and learning with their dyslexia. During a training day I learned about the Davis method, which was a very different approach, and I was immediately fascinated. This is a method that helps people eliminate their problems and reach their full potential! My interest, my doubts, my fascination, and my curiosity were piqued; I had to read Ronald D. Davis' books and thereafter start the training as Davis facilitator.

Now as a certified Davis facilitator, I enthusiastically help people of all ages with these problems. I benefit from the many years of experience working with young people in school and from my knowledge as a language teacher. It is wonderful to see how each client makes great progress, regains confidence in their own abilities and thus self-confidence.

Licensed to provide:

Licensed since: May 24, 2021


  • Erste Staatsprüfung für das Lehramt an Gymnasien, University of Osnabrück 1989
  • Doctoraaldiploma Duitse taal- en letterkunde (MA), University of Leiden 1992
  • Teaching qualification for German in secondary education in the Netherlands, HMN Utrecht 1993
  • Davis facilitator, license 2021

Travel: I only work at my own premises

Online services: I only coach in person

Delivery Languages: DutchDutch (Nederlands) EnglishEnglish GermanGerman (Deutsch)


Erika's Success Stories

“A fantastic success”

"My daughter was almost 11 when she was first introduced to ‘Denkwonder’ and the Davis Method. Initially, I was skeptical of Erika Wiegmann's approach. The dyslexia problems were so severe and my daughter's frustration so great that I had almost given up hope that she would ever "master" "all those letters". Erika won my daughter's trust. My daughter was convinced that Erika would help her to learn how to read.

The Davis Method training is intensive and our daughter worked hard. During the time with Erika, I saw my daughter's confidence grow; she enjoyed the hard work and missed Erika when the 30-hour course was completed. Our daughter kept repeating the exercises with new words.

About five months later, she started making big steps forward. As if the penny had dropped. "Suddenly" she wanted to read and now, another month later, she is reading incredibly well. She just read her first book all by herself aloud to me and we enjoyed it: Robin Hood. Confidently sure of the words. Very special. A fantastic success!

I got to know Erika Wiegmann as a very committed professional who has a gift for working with children. Her passion and dedication lead to success. What she means in my daughter's life cannot easily be expressed in words. I am grateful to Erika for proving that my initial skepticism was wrong."

Mother of a client

My daughter mixed up numbers and struggled a lot with math’s problems. Methods and explanations somehow didn't seem to be understood. Then I heard from Erika about the Davis method. Erika guided my daughter competently, calmly, warmly and cheerfully. My daughter got a good idea of what numbers actually mean. The method of making images from clay for math’s items and other attributes worked very well. It became really clear for her. As a result, she can now handle mathematical problems much better, she understands what she has to do and what she is doing. And that in turn has the effect of making her more motivated to do this work. She gained confidence that she can do it.

During counselling, Erika also paid attention to the difficulty my daughter had with left and right. My daughter also made images of clay that really helped her to fully 'understand' what is what. Her concentration and focus improved and my daughter learned how to improve her concentration herself. For example, when she has a test at school. Her results went up. But, much more important: her self-confidence has grown. Yes, I am very happy and grateful for Erika's counseling!
Susan, Isa’s mother

I came to Erika because I was struggling with math. First of all, Erika is a very kind, pleasant and funny woman, I could talk to her very well and always felt at ease. Erika did everything at my pace, explained everything very clearly and paid a lot of attention to me. Because I went to Erika, I now understand better what I learn at school and also have better concentration.
Isa, 11 years (9 years during counseling)

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