Davis® Mastery for Math

Solution category:

Solution for:
Neurodivergent thinkers

8+ / Teens

We understand…

Math difficulties including Dyscalculia

So they tried and tried to teach you math. And you tried and tried to learn. But it’s just been so hard, right?

Would you like to finally ‘get’ what it’s all about? To learn math in a way that sticks? To start getting more and more right answers, and know that they’re right?

With Davis, you can.

Traditionally, math is memorized. Davis makes math memorable.

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How Davis® Mastery for Math works

Davis® Mastery for Math is a one-to-one, fast-track program that takes a step-by-step approach to making math easy.

Many math interventions focus solely on tutoring math skills without addressing the underlying reasons for past difficulties. This is like constructing an upper floor of a building without laying the groundwork or foundations below.

Davis takes a different view. We specialize in identifying and addressing the root cause of confusion that hampers our clients’ mathematical thinking. Leveraging their creative and imaginative strengths, we guide them to overcome these challenges and establish a solid conceptual foundation for mathematical understanding.

Building strong Math foundations: four key aspects

For a solid foundation in Math, you will need to:

  • Understand the thinking style that leads to confusion and disorientation.
  • Develop the ability to self-regulate and turn off the disorientation that triggers symptoms of math difficulties and dyscalculia, such as loss of focus and difficulties with comprehension and sequencing that lead to mistakes, uncertainty, confusion.
  • Master key concepts that form the basis of mathematical thinking.
  • Master abstract symbols and words that cause confusion and disorientation.

Address these aspects and you address the root cause of math difficulties. Eliminate the cause and the symptoms will disappear. When the foundation concepts for understanding all mathematics are mastered, learning math becomes easy.

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Benefits of the program

Program graduates typically experience enhanced confidence, clarity, accuracy, and resilience when working in math. It is not uncommon for test results to increase 30-40% from their previous levels.

You will:

  • Master the powerful foundation concepts that enable you to think like a mathematician
  • Effectively retain math facts using your imagination rather than your memory
  • Feel at home with both numerical and word-based math problems
  • Enhance your sequencing and logic
  • Understand time, and take control of it in your life
  • Grow your self-confidence as a mathematician — or rebuild it if it has been damaged by previous negative experiences.

Imagine finally ‘getting’ what it’s all about and learning math in a way that actually sticks! Imagine getting more and more right answers, and knowing that they’re right!

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What you can expect

You’ll be guided through the program by a highly trained and caring Davis Facilitator, who will accompany you on your learning journey and equip you with:

Mental focusing techniques

These give you the glitch-free focus that you need to take in new information accurately and to keep track of the steps in a math problem from start to finish.

Concept Mastery

Through a unique clay-powered approach, you will master a powerful set of foundation concepts that enable you to think like a mathematician.

Clay-based mastery of core mathematical principles

This unique approach equips you with a solid grasp of basic mathematical principles, the ability to solve basic arithmetic problems mentally, and a visual understanding of fractions and decimals.

Targeted exercises

Address the steps required to solve complex arithmetic problems on paper and to address word-based story problems.

Program format and timeframe

A Davis Mastery for Math Program typically takes around 50 hours (8 days). Or 30 – 36 hours (5-6 days) if you previously completed a Davis® Mastery for Dyslexia program.

Programs are provided one-to-one and are tailored to suit each client’s individual needs and goals. If an in-person program is not feasible, on-line options may be available.

Support on your journey

Alongside your own journey with us, we will train a family member, friend or tutor of your choice to support you after the program. We’ll also stay in touch with you to ensure your math abilities continue to flourish.

Don’t let math difficulties of any kind limit your dreams. Let Davis® Mastery for Math help you to unlock your potential, overcome barriers, and embrace new possibilities. Prepare to revolutionize your learning journey and discover your true mathematical abilities!


“»The Davis® Mastery for Math course matched the pace my child needed to learn. I witnessed my son grasp concepts with speed and clarity, growing in confidence and excitement to learn more. Math very quickly became his favorite subject.»”

Mother of Davis Mastery for Math client, aged 9

“»We were both blown away by how quickly years of lost learning were set in a foundation which became easy to build upon. He can’t remember the time he did not understand Math.» ”

Mother of Davis Mastery for Math client, aged 10

Contact us now!

Embrace a life of learning where you are in control, navigating the world of numbers with confidence and ease!!

Contact us now and request a Free 30-minute discovery call.

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What happens next…


Free Discovery Call

To find out more about Davis, our programs and workshops, we invite you to book a complimentary Discovery Call and spend up to 30 minutes confidentially sharing details of your situation with us. This will help you start to get an idea of which Davis solutions could be of value.


Initial Assessment

If what you hear resonates, schedule an Initial Assessment meeting (in person or online).



At or following the Initial Assessment, your facilitator will:

  • Determine whether Davis is suitable for you and your situation
  • Recommend which program is best for your needs
  • Indicate appropriate next steps


Book a program

If you and your facilitator feel that Davis is a good fit, at this point, you can book a program.


Program delivery

Your Davis program is delivered one-to-one by an expert facilitator. This can be done in person or online.

Math Programs typically take between 45 and 55 hours spread across two weeks, depending on the program and your situation.


Program follow up

  • Program follow up work as needed

All program packages provide you with:

  • Training of a support person
  • Telephone and email support post-program
  • Access to follow up review sessions (in person or online)

Find help

Find a Davis Facilitator near you or contact us to discuss your options.

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