Sam’s Journey

From panic attacks to hitting the gym twice a week

When I began working with Sam over 2 years ago, I could never have imagined the remarkable journey we would share. At 26, Sam is an autistic individual who has faced numerous challenges throughout his life—mental health struggles, executive function difficulties, and sensory processing differences that made everyday experiences overwhelming. As his support person, I’ve had a front-row seat to both his struggles and his incredible growth, especially over the past 18 months as we’ve worked intensively through the Davis Autism Approach Program, with Davis Facilitator, Melanie Curry.
Davis Autism Approach Program

Sam standing in from of an impressive Lego collection

The beginning: uncertainty

Before we started the Davis program in early 2024, I worried we wouldn’t make progress. Sam’s world was overwhelming for him. He experienced unpleasant meltdowns, panic attacks, and showed symptoms of PTSD. His executive skills were very poor, making navigation through daily life extremely difficult.
Sam experiences what doctors call Alice in Wonderland syndrome, where his visual perception suddenly zooms images down to tiny sizes. He wears special glasses for light sensitivity and has other functional challenges that made traditional learning approaches ineffective.
It was like watching someone being handed a bicycle and asked to ride without any instructions—he would wobble and fall off, with no idea how to proceed. I felt helpless at times, wanting to support him but not knowing how to break through.

Our Davis journey begins

When we began the Davis Autism Approach program, I committed to working with Sam every other day, complementing his weekly sessions with Melanie, our Davis Facilitator. We focused on reading, writing, and the Davis Concepts.
The transformation was nothing short of incredible. Slowly, the “pennies started dropping” as Sam began to grasp fundamental life concepts. The first major breakthrough came when he understood the concepts of Cause, Effect and Consequence. For perhaps the first time, Sam began to truly understand what he had control over in his life and started clarifying long-held confusions.
Working through the Davis Autsim Approach Program with Sam changed my perspective too. As his support person, I found myself empowered by understanding these different ways of processing life, tasks, and outcomes. Concepts that would otherwise be confusing became clear, which has made my supporting abilities so much more effective.

The word consequence spelled out in clay with a person stepping on a ball, an arrow pointing to a flattened ball.

Real-life applications: Where the magic happens

One unique aspect of my role has been helping Sam apply these concepts in real-life situations. Between his sessions with Melanie, we would practice using his new understanding in everyday scenarios.

I remember one breakthrough moment when Sam was becoming overwhelmed with a change in his routine. Previously, this would have triggered a meltdown. Instead, I watched him pause, use his Davis tools to reorient himself, and then work through the situation step by step, applying his understanding of the “change” concept we had been modelling in clay.

Another time, Sam was struggling with a social interaction at the gym—a place he now visits twice weekly. Using the concepts he learned through the Davis program, he was able to recognize the dynamics at play and navigate the situation successfully. His pride in that moment was palpable.

The beauty of the Davis Autism Approach  is that it’s experiential—it’s not about memorizing social scripts or being told how to behave. Instead, Sam gained an intuitive understanding of concepts that allowed him to think through each unique situation he encounters.

“Like a dam bursting”

The most amazing part of this journey has been watching Sam’s transformation. It was like a dam bursting — all of this experiential information had been locked up behind his struggles, and finally, the water could flow.

Since beginning the Davis Autism Approach program:

  • His reading has improved dramatically—from not being able to identify anything on a page to reading at chapter level
  • His confidence has soared
  • Meltdowns have disappeared completely
  • Panic attacks are gone
  • His mental health has transformed
  • He’s developed the ability to process tough life events with remarkable resilience

Sam has always been creative, quirky, and delightful, with a passion for Lego (his house is practically a Lego museum!), Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings. He has a wonderful sense of humor reminiscent of Charlie Chaplin’s slapstick comedy. But now, these wonderful qualities shine even brighter because they’re not overshadowed by struggle and confusion.

Finding identity and purpose

Perhaps the most significant change I’ve witnessed is Sam’s deeper understanding of himself. He’s been able to work through questions about his sexual orientation and identity, issues he had been battling for so long. Having the tools to work through these complex aspects of self has been empowering for him. Sam feels safe to be who he is in the world.

He’s now looking toward the future with aspirations to become a security guard. This wouldn’t have seemed possible before our work with the Davis Autism Approach program.

What sets the Davis Autism Approach apart

Having explored psychology, mental health resources, and various autism interventions over the years, I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t. What sets the Davis Autism Approach apart is that it’s truly an experiential journey for a neurodiverse person.

Ron Davis, who developed this approach, is a living example of someone who embodied all the struggles and difficulties that autistic individuals face. He pushed past incredible barriers and “did the hard yards” to help others follow the path he forged.

The Davis Autism Approach doesn’t try to force autistic individuals to think and behave like neurotypical people. Instead, it creates pathways between neurodivergent and neurotypical understanding. As someone who helps implement these concepts in daily life, I’ve seen how this bridge-building approach works in practical, life-changing ways.

My message to other support people

If you’re worried about where your child or the person you support fits in the world, Ron’s work offers a guiding light, an opportunity to engage with the world around them in a way that gives them a sense of belonging and home.

The Davis Autism Approach creates a foundation for understanding executive function, emotions, and social dynamics without the frustration that comes with traditional approaches. Every time I see the effects of it, I’m amazed at how powerful it is.

For me personally, being part of this process has been incredibly rewarding. As a support person, the Davis Autism Approach Program has given me tools and understanding that have made my role more effective and fulfilling. It’s cleared the ground really quickly and has transformed not just how I support Sam, but how I view neurodiversity as a whole.

The journey continues

Sam’s journey—and mine alongside him—continues to unfold. What once seemed impossible now happens regularly. Challenges that would have derailed him completely are now navigated with growing confidence.

Autistic people have an incredible ability to embrace life in ways that are unique and beautiful. The Davis Autism Approach Program has helped Sam tap into this ability while providing practical tools for navigating a complex world.

If you’re supporting someone with autism who struggles with executive function or finding their place in the world, I encourage you to explore the Davis Autism Approach Program or Workshop. It’s not just about managing symptoms or teaching coping mechanisms—it’s about building a foundation for true understanding, self-determination, and growth.

And that makes all the difference.


Kirsten works as a support person for individuals with autism and has witnessed firsthand the transformative effects of the Davis Autism Approach as she worked with Sam and Melanie through the program.

Davis Autism Approach Program


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