Since doing a Davis program when he was 12, my son Isaac has developed a freedom and independence and sense of peace that he wouldn’t have otherwise had.
The biggest thing our family noticed was that we started to get to know Isaac. He was no longer shutdown and withdrawn. He was gaining a sense of self and a confidence that he had never had before. He started to express himself clearly because his thoughts were much more in order. He is actually a very articulate young man!
As a family, instead of doing things for him all the time, we have had to adjust and let him start doing things his way.
The Davis Autism Approach is the only program I’m aware of that manages to unlock the gifts and resources within people with autism.
I now know that Isaac is going to be OK in life … he will always be able to negotiate the world around him without getting anxious and confused, because within him he has the Davis tools and skills.
It is like a rock he can always come back to.
Juliana, parent, New Zealand