In 1997, Jacqueline embarked on a transformative journey alongside Ronald and Alice Davis at the Davis Dyslexia Association International in Burlingame, California. Initially entrusted with the financial department, she witnessed countless individuals benefit from Davis programs, receiving invaluable support and professional training. In time, Ronald Davis pioneered the groundbreaking Davis Autism Approach®, adding another layer of much needed help to a growing neurodiverse population.
Over the years and with the international expansion of the organization, Jacqueline’s role evolved, fostering sustainable business relationships and providing crucial management support, culminating in her appointment as Managing Director in January 2019, following the Davis’ retirement announcement. After four years of dedicated leadership, Jacqueline, supported by the Executive Team, is leading Davis International into an exciting new era as its Chief Executive Officer.
Beyond her professional endeavors, Jacqueline is deeply committed to advocacy and awareness within the neurodiverse community. As a Founding Director of the Ron Davis Autism Foundation and Chief Financial Officer of the associated non-profit organization, she tirelessly champions the cause.
Throughout her time with Davis, Jacqueline and her husband have navigated the challenges and stigmas surrounding special needs, autism, and neurodiversity, raising three young men who inspire them daily. Their family’s story is one of resilience, advocacy, and acceptance—a journey intertwined with the profound impact of the Davis family, whose legacy continues to shape their lives in ways Jacqueline never imagined possible.