Davis Concepts for Life®

Solution category:
Cognitive Coaching
Social & Emotional Development

Solution for:
Neurodivergent thinkers

8+ / Teens

We understand…

Not every challenge in learning and life has a name.

Are you (or someone you are supporting) grappling with difficulties like reduced focus, disorganization, or regulating yourself?

Do you feel overwhelmed by stress and anxiety, leaving you wishing your life felt easier to manage?

Do you find it challenging to form and maintain positive relationships or tend to avoid taking responsibility for certain aspects of your life?

If any of these resonate with you, know that you’re not alone, and that Davis can help you.

Contact us now!

Don’t let your challenges hold you back any longer!! Contact us now and request a Free 30-minute discovery call.

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What is the Davis Concepts for Life® Program?

The Davis Concepts for Life® Program is a holistic and respectful approach that understands the causes of your difficulties and, with understanding, compassion and proven solutions, will help you to create meaningful change in your life. Our shared aspiration is to help you discover and embrace your unique qualities and strengths, turning your challenges into opportunities for growth and fulfillment.

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How Davis Concepts for Life® works

The Davis Concepts for Life® Program offers a gentle and respectful roadmap for exploring and mastering the mechanics of life, order, motivation, and self-responsibility.

As you journey through the program, you’ll have the chance to work on your goals by engaging with, reflecting on, and mastering a series of essential life concepts. These concepts are brought to life through plastilina clay modeling and exploration in your environment. This structured yet flexible process is geared towards fostering understanding, empowerment, and personal growth.

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Benefits of the program

Improved wellbeing

Experience a sense of empowerment as you navigate life with greater self-awareness, the ability to create boundaries and manage stress, with less anxiety and overwhelm.

Stronger social connections

Improve your interactions through a greater ability to monitor and interpret your emotions, self-regulate your energy levels, and listen more effectively.

Enhanced productivity

Say goodbye to procrastination and hello to an increased ability to focus, and a more organized, productive and fulfilling life.

Improved time management

Understand time and take control of it in your life.

Strengthened relationships

Become well-equipped to positively navigate the intricacies of relationships – at school, at work, and in your personal life.

Taking control of your life

Learn a stress-free approach to creating order and taking charge of your life. Gain a sense of control and mastery – transforming confusion and chaos into clarity and certainty.

Imagine a world where your unique qualities are not hurdles but stepping stones to success.

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What you can expect

You’ll be guided by a highly trained and caring Davis Concepts for Life® Facilitator, who will accompany you on your journey and provide:

A tailored program

We specialize in delivering a personalized approach that utilizes your individual strengths to address your goals, ensuring effective results that are meaningful for you. Our approach is centered around you – your interests, your goals, and your pace.

Holistic support

Our gentle approach helps you develop greater self-awareness, self-regulation, and emotional awareness in ways that you will not have experienced before – empowering you to participate more easily and fully in the life you choose.

Life “Mastery”

Unlike talk therapies, the Davis Concepts for Life® program utilizes creativity and experiential learning as a key component of the learning process. Our unique approach ensures certainty and mastery of fundamental cognitive concepts (such as cause & effect, time, order & disorder, motivation, and responsibility and relationships), so that they become a natural part of how you think and learn, and put you firmly in control of your life.

Expert guidance

Our program is facilitated by highly trained, experienced facilitators, who understand and care. We provide expert guidance throughout your journey, offering support that goes well beyond surface-level understanding.



“I see how the stronger sense of who I am has allowed me to say no to what isn’t for me and say yes to what makes me happy. I no longer have to be reacting to everything happening around me. I can be centered and decide what is for me and what is not for me. I choose to respond rather than react. It feels so freeing.”

Leigh, Davis Concepts for Life client
New Zealand

“Sophia was a frightened, fearful child who was withdrawn and living inside of herself. Since completing the program two years ago, she has become a typical young girl. She is two cycles away from completing her black belt in Taekwondo. She wants to work for Lucas films as an animator one day. Our lives are now ‘normal’ — we laugh as a family, we cry as a family, we encourage one another, we strengthen one another. We hadn’t experienced that before.”

Mother of Concepts for Life client

“It feels easier to be me.”

Davis Concepts for Life client
New Zealand

“I can’t believe how life-changing these concepts are. I use them all of the time in my life now — it is just so easy to take responsibility for things that had always seemed impossible before.”

Davis Concepts for Life client, 26

Program format and timeframe

The time it takes to complete a Davis Concepts for Life Program is flexible according to your needs; however, a typical program will take at least 60 hours.

It is always an individualized program, focusing on your goals, and can be delivered either in person or online.

Support on your journey

At Davis, we believe in the potential of every individual, regardless of the challenges they may face. Let the Davis Concepts for Life® Program be your partner and embark on a transformative experience that will redefine what is possible for you. Unlock your gifts and thrive.

What happens next…

Join us as we guide you through each stage of your journey with Davis. We encourage you to ask as many questions as you’d like along the way, ensuring you feel empowered and confident that Davis is the right fit for you.


Free Discovery Call

To find out more about Davis, our programs and workshops, we invite you to book a complimentary Discovery Call and spend up to 30 minutes confidentially sharing details of your situation with us. This will help you start to get an idea of which Davis solutions could be of value.


Initial Assessment

If what you hear resonates, schedule an Initial Assessment meeting (in person or online).

For many Concepts for Life program assessments, this stage is covered in two meetings (if appropriate to your situation): first with a family member, then with the individual themselves.



At or following the Initial Assessment, your facilitator will:

  • Determine whether Davis is suitable for you and your situation
  • Recommend which program is best for your needs
  • Indicate appropriate next steps


Book a program

If you and your facilitator feel that Davis is a good fit, at this point, you can book a program.


Program delivery

Your Davis program is delivered one-to-one by an expert facilitator. This can be done in person or online.

Concepts for Life programs are more flexible in their scheduling and duration. They typically take around 50 to 70 hours spread across several weeks, although this can vary considerably depending on the client and their situation.


Program follow up

  • Program follow up work as needed

All program packages provide you with:

  • Training of a support person
  • Telephone and email support post-program
  • Access to follow up review sessions (in person or online)

Find help

Find a Davis Facilitator near you or contact us to discuss your options.

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