Lori Johnson, LMFT-A

Boerne, Texas, United States

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About Lori

I am very glad we are connecting, and your search has found you here! My name is Lori Johnson, and I am a Licensed Davis Facilitator since 2006 and I recently became a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapy Associate. Your story and where you find yourself in this moment is very important to me. I began my journey of training and becoming a Licensed Davis Facilitator because my son’s story took him from Gifted and Talented to Special Education in a matter of a year in our school systems. My head was spinning. Long story short, my search to find help for my son became a happy meeting of the Davis Method and a week intensive completing a Davis Dyslexia Correction Program. The first day of the program my son went from utter despair about his academic future to the self-belief that he was Einstein-smart! The outcome of my son’s program relieved the hours and hours of arduous and frustrating efforts to complete homework, to write assignments, and to read with full comprehension in a timely manner. As a parent I was thrilled to see my son’s confidence as a learner flourish. My desire grew from wanting to help my son to wanting as many gifted dyslexics find the tools they needed to access their gift of mastery, and I have been privileged to see that happen time and time again as a Licensed Davis Facilitator.
I would be honored if you would give me a bit of your time to hear your story and work together to find solutions to the debilitating aspects of dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, or math concepts that you or a loved one have been struggling to overcome. I work with individuals 8 to “80”-years-old who have a simple desire to create change in their lives and say yes to an all-in approach to making that change happen! I believe that’s you! I look forward to hearing from you.

Licensed to provide:

Licensed since: 26 апреля, 2006


  • Masters of Marriage and Family Therapy (ACU)
  • Licensed Davis Facilitator

Travel: I only work at my own premises

Online services: I only coach in person

Delivery Languages: EnglishEnglish


Lori's Success Stories

Dear Lori Johnson,
This is just a letter to let you know how great Emma is doing as a result of having completed the Davis Dyslexia Training with you. As you know Emma received a neurodevelopment evaluation at the Weisskope Child Evaluation Center in Louisville, Kentucky which is a nationally recognized center for the diagnosis and treatment of learning disorders at the University of Louisville. The evaluation was completed by a team of six pediatric specialists and was initiated because Emma had problems in school, was inattentive, and was one-and-a-half grade levels behind her classmates. The diagnosis of the combined pediatric specialists was Reading Disorders/Dyslexias in a child with above normal intelligence. Recommendations for specific learning modifications and possibly special education services were made. Emma was fortunate in having both a nana and an aunt who are Occupational Therapists and were familiar with "The Gift of Dyslexia" and the Davis Dyslexia training as a means of addressing the gift of dyslexia rather than using tutoring and special education to treat the symptoms of dyslexia. The family was moving back to San Antonio from Kentucky and her parents agreed to her receiving the Davis Dyslexia Training from you at the prompting of her Nana and Aunt. Over the summer of her second and third grade years, she completed the trining with "Miss Lori" as she called you. She loved it and her self confidence improved daily from the first day of the facilitation. Emma has steadily improved in her academic performance since her Davis Dyslexia training and considering she was 1 to 1.5 years behind when she came to you, she has really excelled. She received special accommodations for testing, reading help and tutoring for only 1 year and has since been in a regular classroom with no need for accommodations. She just received a report card with STRAIGHT A's!!!! On her last reading assessment she had improved by an additional 100 points...

Emma continued...from her previous assessment. She has gone from a child who dreaded going to school to one who is totally distressed if she has to MISS a day of school. She has gone from a child who had no interest or patience for reading to a child who requests books or bookstore gift cards as gifts. She now chooses to READ FOR PLEASURE! Emma loved the days she spent with you and still speaks very fondly of her time with "Miss Lori". Lori, I just want to say the money spent on the Davis Dyslexia Program was more important than the money that will be spent on a college education for Emma and I truly believe that had she not had the training, college may not have been an option for her, now it will be her choice to go on to college or not. Emma is a changed child and whether she decides to go to college or not, it is a certainty that with her managed "gift of dyslexia" Emma will indeed do great things with her life. Thank you so much for the work you do, you really do change children's lives!"

Sincerely, Arlene H.

"Before I attended the Davis program, I had a lot of confusion in reading and perceiving reality. This program takes work and time, which anything in life does. It has changed my life and has been the greatest part of growing my mind in learning and remembering what I just read or talked about. Mrs. Johnson does a great job going through the program with you. She lets you take your time and do the work correctly. She goes through the program step-by-step. And, you can always call her if you have any questions or reviewing!"

Cameron T.

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