Danette is a lifelong learner, achieving academic success through grit and determination. Not afraid to make career choices in many and varied industries she has a depth of lived experiences. As a Mum however it was the biggest surprise when no matter how hard her son tried he couldn’t get the hang of reading. Full of big ideas and big stories, he couldn’t write them down.
She explains how much of a relief it was to find the Davis methods and experience first-hand the transformational effect two of the Davis programs - Concepts for Life and Dyslexia - had for her son and the whole family, in learning and in life.
This journey was the motivation to set up her business MAPS Learning (Moving At Pace to Success) as a facilitator in all the Davis methods and also become a presenter of the parents course. Danette says, “The beauty of the Davis methods is in their simplicity and foundation of certainty – a client is not pushed by any required time or activity to move on, success is achieved at the clients pace”. By customising each program to the client’s particular interests and goals, the art of facilitation is put into place by Danette to ensure motivation and engagement.
Based in rural North Canterbury, New Zealand, Danette is passionate to bring the Davis methods to her community and has a proven record with ‘country kids’. Her business has extended to service Christchurch, and she has also travelled to clients around the South Island. A keen traveler she is always keen to support people in any location.
Danette always loves the opportunity to listen to your story, the challenges and the things that are amazing about you or your loved one. She says, “I hear you, I know you, I have been you and together we can determine the very best solution for you or your loved one. We all want to achieve at this crazy thing called life and learning. All I can do is assure you that change WILL happen, at your pace, and lead to the success you are seeking, or maybe have only ever dreamed of”.
Licensed to provide:
Licensed since: oktober 27, 2018
Travel: I am willing to travel to clients
Online services: I only coach in person
Delivery Languages: EnglishEnglish
"…. Also just wanted to say THANK YOU, Danette, for doing Davis Programme training. I know it has really saved my bacon. There is no way we would have been able to do this homeschooling, needed due to his injury, without his Davis tools”.
Mother of client
“I never thought we would have the ‘problem’ of seeing our daughter’s bedroom light on late at night as she ‘just finishes her book’”
Father of client
“I am really surprised how well my son is doing with me helping him with his work. He is handling his frustrations much better (not perfectly), but much better than he used to and at least he can tell me he is having a confusion. So Thank you, thank you thankyou!!”
Mother of client
“Its like Danette knows magic, and she is teaching me the spell to be able to read”