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Davis Method: Neurodivergent solutions by a neurodivergent pioneer

Ron Davis’s journey from a non-verbal autistic child to becoming an innovator in neurodivergent support offers profound insights into the neurodivergent mind and learning differences. His story demonstrates how personal struggles can lead to groundbreaking discoveries in understanding and addressing learning challenges.

In the landscape of educational interventions for neurodivergence, one approach stands uniquely apart from the rest. The Davis Method wasn’t created by outside observers studying neurodivergence—it was developed by someone who lived it. Ron Davis, a brilliant mind who spent 38 years unable to read, transformed his own experiences with autism and dyslexia into solutions that have changed countless lives worldwide.

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Understanding neurodivergence from the inside

At the heart of every Davis solution is an understanding of how neurodivergent minds actually work. Ron Davis didn’t theorize about neurodivergence, he lived it daily.

Born in 1942, Ron was diagnosed as a “Kanner’s Baby” (early terminology for autism).  His mother was  told Ron would “never be able to be held, to learn, to speak, or achieve much beyond what a chimpanzee could.” For his first nine years, Ron had no awareness of himself or the world around him. He describes this period as having “no connection to others or himself.”

At age nine, Ron suddenly became aware of the physical world around him, experiencing what most children develop at age two, but without any of the foundational skills to process this new reality.

School was overwhelming with its sensory stimulations. Letters on classroom walls seemed to float and move before his eyes.

foundational skills to process this new reality.

School was overwhelming with its sensory stimulations. Letters on classroom walls seemed to float and move before his eyes.

This firsthand experience of both autism and dyslexia gave Ron unique insights that academic researchers didn’t have access to. From age 9, Ron began making things out of clay, which he feels helped him make sense of the world and learn the alphabet. However, it wasn’t until he was in his thirties that he discovered how to turn off the disorientation he experienced—what he called the “disorientation tunnel”, this became the foundation for the Davis Programs. Since discovering these ways to overcome his own learning differences, Ron has focused on building the methodology and sharing it with others.


“If you eliminate the reason the problem exists, the problem ceases to exist.”

The gift of dyslexia: understanding strengths, not deficits

The Davis Method recognizes something traditional interventions miss: dyslexia isn’t just a collection of challenges—it comes with remarkable gifts. Ron discovered this through his own journey.

Despite being unable to read, Ron possessed extraordinary spatial visualization abilities that led him to work as an engineer during the Space Race era. His mind could manipulate mental images in ways that neurotypical thinkers often couldn’t match. This wasn’t in spite of his dyslexia, it was because of it.

Ron’s breakthrough came when he realized that when he sculpted, he entered a mental state where language didn’t exist—it was all imagery. This led him to wonder if he could find a way to enter a state where language would work properly. This question led to his discovery of what he identified as the root cause of dyslexia: disorientation.

The Davis Method embraces the natural thinking style of dyslexic individuals: visual, multidimensional thinking, rather than forcing them to abandon it. Through techniques like Symbol Mastery, where abstract concepts are modeled in clay, Davis solutions work with the natural strengths of dyslexic minds rather than against them.

This approach stands in stark contrast to traditional remediation methods that focus on drilling phonics and repetition—approaches that often leave dyslexic learners feeling defeated and deficient.

Sign up to mailing list to receive notification when we announce our next Davis Gift of Dyslexia Workshop and get access to an Early Bird Discount.

Autism understanding: a map created from within

Ron’s personal journey through autism gives the Davis Autism Approach its unique power. Traditional autism interventions often aim to eliminate autistic “symptoms”. The Davis Autism Approach, by contrast, respects autistic neurology while providing tools for greater self-awareness and self-regulation.

The Davis Autism Approach begins not by trying to change the autistic person, but by helping their support person learn tools for co-regulation. This reflects Ron’s deep understanding that autistic individuals are often overwhelmed by the emotions and energy of those around them.

Through tools like Auditory Orientation (the “Davis Ting”), Release, and Dial, the program helps autistic individuals develop accurate perceptions and regulate their focus, stress, and energy levels. These tools weren’t developed through external observation—they emerged from Ron’s lived experience of what actually works for an autistic mind.

Most importantly, the Davis Autism Approach doesn’t view autism as something to be fixed. Instead, it recognizes that autistic individuals often miss crucial life concepts not because they can’t learn them, but because traditional teaching methods don’t match their thinking style. Through clay modeling and experiential learning, these concepts become accessible, allowing autistic individuals to participate more fully in the life they choose.

Interested in understanding more about the Davis Autism Approach? Sign up here to receive notification when we announce our next Autism Approach Workshop and get access to an Early Bird Discount


“What inspired me to help others with autism is that I am myself autistic. I know what it feels like, and I know the limitations that exist as a result of it. I realized that, given I had found my own way through this chaos (of autism), I could provide a ‘map’ for others of my kind to follow.”

Neurodivergence: the foundation of our approach

What makes all Davis solutions truly revolutionary is that they’re created from a neurodivergent perspective. This isn’t interventions designed by the neurotypical for the neurodivergent—it’s neurodivergent wisdom shared among peers.

In a world where neurodivergent individuals are often told what they “should” do by those who don’t share their neurotype, Davis solutions offer a refreshing alternative. Every technique, every tool, every insight comes from someone who understands the territory because he mapped it from the inside.

At Davis, we don’t see neurodivergence as a deficit. We recognize it as a different way of processing information, one with its own strengths and challenges. Our solutions don’t aim to make neurodivergent individuals more neurotypical. Instead, they provide tools that work with neurodivergent thinking styles to unlock potential.

Davis methodologies honor neurodivergent ways of being. We understand that the path to success isn’t through forcing conformity, but through building bridges of understanding and providing tools that actually make sense to neurodivergent minds.

A legacy of transformation

Forty years after Ron’s initial discoveries, the impact of his work continues to grow. His approaches have spread worldwide, with his book “The Gift of Dyslexia” translated into more than 20 languages and 400 licensed facilitators globally.

The scientific community, which initially dismissed Ron’s work as “controversial,” has gradually caught up. Concepts like neurodiversity and “the gifts of dyslexia” that Ron championed decades ago are now widely accepted as self-evident.

What makes this legacy so powerful is its authenticity. Ron didn’t study neurodivergence as an outside observer, he lived it. He transformed his own challenges into insights that have opened doors for countless others.

When you engage with Davis solutions, you’re not simply receiving intervention techniques. You’re connecting with the hard-won wisdom of someone who walked the path before you, who understands the terrain from the inside, and who discovered a way forward that empowers neurodivergent minds rather than attempting to rewire them.

That’s the power of neurodivergent solutions created by a neurodivergent pioneer. That’s the Davis Method.

Ready to transform how you support neurodivergent minds? Join our community to receive our monthly newsletter with workshop dates, practical tips, and success stories from our global network of facilitators.

Our solutions for every neurotype

The Davis Method offers specialized solutions designed for various neurotypes, all built on the foundational understanding that neurodivergent minds have unique strengths and ways of processing information.

Our workshops serve two distinct purposes: For parents, educators, therapists, and caregivers, they provide comprehensive training to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to guide those you support through individualized Davis Programs. For neurodivergent adults, while workshops offer valuable self-understanding and general principles, they differ significantly from our one-on-one Programs. Programs are deeply personalized interventions tailored to your unique needs, whereas workshops provide broader educational foundations. These workshops also serve as the first step for those interested in becoming licensed Davis Facilitators, allowing you to help others on their journeys.

Workshops typically run between 16-40 hours in an online, group setting (capped at 15 participants to ensure quality individual attention). This does mean they fill quickly, if you want to stay up to date with upcoming workshops, webinars, resources and stories about neurodivergence, make sure you’re signed up to our mailing list.

The Workshop path might be right for you if: 

  • You want to support one individual
  • You’re interested in learning the complete methodology as well as the reasoning and logic behind the program
  • You want long-term flexibility in applying the techniques
  • You’re looking for a more cost-effective long-term solution
  • You’re interested in a career in supporting neurodivergent individuals

Programs are delivered one-on-one between facilitator, neurodivergent individual and their support person. Programs are tailored to individual needs and pace.

Working one-on-one with a Licensed Facilitator might be right If: 

  • You’re seeking professional guidance for a specific individual or yourself
  • You or your loved one prefers a structured program with expert support
  • You are able to set aside the time to invest in the program
  • You want to focus on progress rather than learning the theory and methodology
  • You’re looking for a complete, guided experience

By offering this comprehensive range of solutions, we honor Ron Davis’s vision of unlocking the potential in every mind, regardless of neurotype. Each program builds on his core insight: that neurodivergence isn’t something to be “fixed,” but rather a different way of perceiving and interacting with the world—one that, with the right tools, can lead to extraordinary outcomes.

Our workshops fill up quickly due to the limited number of spots. Subscribe to our priority notification list to be the first to know when new workshop dates are announced and secure your place before they’re gone.

NeurotypeWorkshop optionProgram optionKey benefits
Dyslexia / LiteracyDavis Gift of Dyslexia WorkshopDavis Mastery for Dyslexia ProgramUnlocks reading potential through multisensory approaches that work with visual thinking styles
ADHD AttentionDavis Concepts for Life WorkshopDavis Mastery for Attention ProgramProvides tools to harness focus and manage attention effectively. Explore and master essential life concepts that will enhance social interactions.
Dyscalculia / MathDavis Mastery for Math ProgramTransforms abstract number concepts into tangible understanding through clay modeling
Dysgraphia / HandwritingDavis Gift of Dyslexia WorkshopDavis Mastery for Dyslexia ProgramIncludes strategies that improve writing skills by addressing the root perceptual causes
Autism, for individuals over 8Davis Autism Approach WorkshopDavis Autism Approach ProgramOffers life-changing tools for self-regulation, concept mastery, and social integration
Autism, children under 8. And non-speakers of any ageDavis Stepping Stones WorkshopDavis Stepping Stones ProgramProvides specialized approaches tailored to developmental needs of young children and those with limited verbal communication
Executive FunctioningDavis Concepts for Life WorkshopDavis Concepts for Life ProgramBuilds essential cognitive foundations for organization, planning, and daily functioning

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